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Texas Statewide Motorcycle Safety Coalition
September 3, 2020 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am CDT
Webex Conference Call
Texas A&M Transportation Institute Texas Department of TransportationTexas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Meeting Agenda
Date: September 3, 2020
Time: 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (CDT)
Location: Via WebEx
10:00 – 10:05 AM Opening Remarks & Introductions (Chris)
10:05 – 10:10 AM Refresher on how to use WebEx (Mike)
10:10 – 10:30 AM DPS and TDLR Updates (DPS and TDLR staff)
10:30 – 10:45 AM Safety Forum Update/Discussion
10:45 – 11:00 AM Legislative update (Jude)
11:00 – 11:20 AM TMSC Charter Discussion
11:20 – 11:30ish AM Updates, Open Forum (open)
11:35 AM Adjourn
Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Meeting Minutes
Date: September 3, 2020
Time: 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (CDT)
Location: Via WebEx
Opening Remarks & Introduction (C. Beireis & M. Manser)
Mike Manser and Chris Beireis welcomed everyone to the TMSC meeting. Approximately 44 people attended by WebEx. An attendee list (as shown on the WebEx participant list) and a chat transcript of the meeting are attached to these minutes.
WebEx Refresher (M. Manser)
Mike demonstrated how to use the WebEx chat box to provide comments during the meeting, and invited participants to contact TTI through the Contact Us page on LookLearnLive.org.
TDLR Updates (M. Strawn, M. Arismendez)
Michael (Ford) Strawn and Mike Arismendez provided an update on the transfer of the program, which occurred on September 1. They have been working with the schools and trainers to learn what’s working, what isn’t, and to make sure they continue to support training statewide. Feel free to contact TDLR at [email protected] with any questions, or email Michael Strawn at [email protected]. Any time they host an Advisory Board meeting, there’s a link to submit public comments. Right now, the Board meetings are being held virtually; when/if in-person meetings resume, anyone can attend in person to make an in-person comment. If you go to the TDLR website (tdlr.texas.gov) and select “motorcycle” you can sign up for email updates; the direct link to the motorcycle listserv is https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/TXDLR/subscriber/new . The Advisory Board members are also listed on the TDLR website. The first Advisory Board meeting will be on October 1 via videoconference.
Further details of the discussion can be found in the attached chat transcript.
Safety Forum Update/Discussion
Mike Manser discussed the 2021 Motorcycle Safety Forum, which will likely be online instead of in-person. He asked the group how they would prefer to schedule the Forum – weekday versus weekend, one day versus multiple partial-days, etc.
Suggestions from meeting attendees included breaking the Forum up across two or more evenings or holding it over a weekend. Meeting attendees also suggested providing both “live” interactive virtual sessions and recorded sessions/presentations that people could view on their own schedule.
Ideas for Forum topics included autonomous vehicle interaction with vehicles, best ways to engage and train more motorcycle instructors, drinking and riding (from the perspective of survivors, especially), information for riders about the Basic Rider Course, and breakout sessions specifically for motorcycle instructor professional development (since the instructor conference will not take place this year). Suggestions for speakers included Jim Hyde, Shawn Thomas, Elon Musk, Ray Ochs, AMA representatives, Scott Floyd, and Brett Tacks.
Further details of the discussion can be found in the attached chat transcript.
TMSC Meeting Review (M. Manser)
This agenda item was moved up due to some audio issues delaying Jude Schexnyder’s Legislative Update.
Mike Manser reviewed the structure of future TMSC meetings. The meetings will continue to be online, per TxDOT’s direction, and to be short (around 1.5 hours). He asked for member input on meeting length, days/times, and content.
Several attendees suggested holding next year’s meetings in the evenings; weekends were also suggested, with mixed opinions. Suggested meeting topics/presentations included crash statistics, continued legislative updates, national motorcycle safety trends, and emergency response.
Legislative Update (J. Schexnyder)
Jude Schexnyder is working with Texas Legislative Strike Force, seeking support from a state legislator on a meaningful bill preventing unjust law enforcement profiling of motorcycle riders. There is also interest, but no work yet, in encouraging a bill to allow a rider to proceed with caution through a “dead” red light – i.e., a red light that cannot detect the rider and so remains red through multiple cycles.
Lane filtering bill – Texas needs one to protect riders who are being struck from behind while stopped at intersections. Current suggested bill modifies Section 545.60 of the Transportation Code to add a subsection “e” which would allow the operator of a motorcycle to proceed for a safe distance between stopped lanes of traffic at speeds of not greater than 5 mph, to filter to the front of a traffic queue. Jude suggested discussing this bill idea among motorcycle groups, and if you know of a legislator who would be willing to file this bill, try to talk to their office about it. TMSC, TTI, and TxDOT cannot advocate directly for legislation. A constituent or a private-sector group can always contact their local legislator to inform them of the safety need and encourage a bill to address that need.
Discussion of these and other bills can be found in the chat transcript.
TMSC Charter Discussion (M. Manser)
Although the TMSC has been active for over a decade, there has never been a formal charter describing what the TMSC addresses or how it operates. Mike Manser introduced some elements that are being included in a new draft charter:
- Mission: The TMSC’s mission is to reduce rider fatalities and serious injuries resulting from crashes involving motorcycles in
- Who We Are: potential stakeholder groups
- Purpose of the TMSC: to identify and conduct activities to achieve the TMSC mission.
- Facilitators and Administrators – clarifying roles of TxDOT, TTI, TMSC Task Force
- TMSC Membership and Terms
Mike also presented the idea of developing a Task Force and Task Force Working Groups to focus on the Motorcycle Safety Forum, Legislation, the statewide Strategic Action Plan for motorcycles, Alcohol-related crashes, etc.
The new draft TMSC Charter will be sent out to the membership for review.
Updates and Open Forum (C. Beireis)
Chris plans to attend Motorcycle Legislative Day (Monday, January 25, 2021) to advocate for motorcycle safety. He’d like to get ideas from the TMSC to grow the membership and increase its activity.
Mike Manser encouraged Coalition members to give feedback to TxDOT about the outreach grant that funds the Coalition. He also mentioned that we’re shifting some focus from driver events next year; TTI still plans to attend some motorcycle events, but will be shifting a lot of the driver outreach to social media. Every month, TTI’s Olivia Thomas puts together a report of all social media activity to gauge how much outreach happens through social media channels.
Next meeting, Olivia will provide some information on how this works, and how Coalition members can use the social media posts as well to help spread the messages even further.
The meeting adjourned at 11:27
Attendees (as shown on WebEx Participant List)
Olivia Thomas
Mike Manser
Laura Higgins
Ronnie TCOC&1 Region Amy Jo
Amanda Stark
Becky Walker
Bobbi Brooks
Bobby Abrahams
2 call in users
Cathy Brooks
Cody Stewart
David Jones
Debra Anderson
Dr Bump
Eugene Prentice
Jason Morris
Jeff Alford
Jude Schexnyder
Keith Rovell
Kelly Howard
Kenan Rappuchi
Kenneth Copeland
Lora Dame
Michael Strawn
Mike Arismendez
Nina Saint
R Chester Roby
Rich Richman
Scott Floyed
Skee Dodson
ThomasUser – this was a group of three people
Wendell Glen Pugh
William Allen
TMSC Meeting Chat Transcript
The following comments from the chat have been edited to eliminate those that had to do with momentary technical difficulties, etc. and to place them within the context of the meeting segment they refer to.
Introductions (and favorite motorcycle)
From Michael Strawn to everyone:
10:06 AM Michael Strawn – TDLR
from Mike Arismendez to everyone: 10:06 AM Mike Arismendez – TDLR
from Kelly Howard to everyone: 10:06 AM Kelly Howard Houston area
from Wendell Glen Pugh to everyone: 10:06 AM Glen Pugh Abilene, Texas
from drbump to everyone: 10:06 AM Some people call me… Maurice… 🙂
from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: 10:08 AM My name is mike
from Bobbi.Brooks to everyone: 10:08 AM
Bobbi Brooks, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Watch UR BAC Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program
from scott floyed to everyone: 10:08 AM Scott Floyed BRP spyder
from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: 10:08 AM Triumph
from Jeff Alford to everyone: 10:08 AM Victory
from Kenneth.Copeland to everyone: 10:08 AM Kenneth Copeland Goldwing
from User to everyone: 10:08 AM joel
from David Jones to everyone: 10:08 AM
Hi from Houston area from Safety On Two Wheels. Current favorite MC is KTM
from Chris to everyone: 10:08 AM KTM, Triumph
from Nina Saint to everyone: 10:08 AM Nina Saint (do not have one)
from Cathy Brooks to everyone: 10:09 AM Cathy Brooks – two wheels with good lean angle.
from Rich Richman to everyone: 10:09 AM Harley-Davidson Superglide
from Laura Higgins (internal) to everyone: 10:09 AM Laura Higgins, TTI – I don’t ride, but I like blue ones! 😀
from Wendell Glen Pugh to everyone: 10:09 AM Glen Pugh- Concours
from Nina Saint to everyone: 10:09 AM Ha, Ha
from Jude Schexnyder to everyone: 10:09 AM I’m a BMW guy to the core.
from Cody Stewart (internal) to everyone: 10:09 AM Cody – any bike I’m riding!
from Bobby Abrahams to everyone: 10:09 AM BObby Abrahams – Harley-Davidson
from Heather Singleton to everyone: 10:09 AM
Heather Singleton, Traffic Safety Specialist for the Tyler District at TxDOT – my favorite motorcycle is my mom’s old Honda
from Kelly Howard to everyone: 10:09 AM Those with two wheels
from Lora Dame to everyone: 10:09 AM Lora Dame – Honda
from “Ronnie” TCOC&I Region 1 to everyone: 10:09 AM Harley Davidson Shovelhead
from Rich Richman to everyone: 10:09 AM Schwin?
from Amanda Stark to everyone: 10:09 AM Love my Harley Dyna Wide Glide
from Becky Walker to everyone: 10:09 AM BMW
from drbump to everyone: 10:09 AM Jude is old…
from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:09 AM
Good morning. No MC but survivor of MC Hit and Run and Advocate DYSMN? in Central Texas
from jkane to everyone: 10:09 AM Josh Kane – Harley-Davidson
from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:10 AM Amy Jo
from Debra Anderson to everyone: 10:10 AM Debra Anderson Kingwood Harley
from William Allen to everyone: 10:10 AM William Allen BMW R1200GSA
TDLR Updates
from Kelly Howard to everyone: 10:15 AM TDLR: what is the best way to ask questions?
from Kenan Rappuchi to everyone: 10:16 AM TDLR: How do we confirm we are on the listserv?
from Kelly Howard to everyone: 10:18 AM
For instance, how would owner/sponsors ask questions about new rule requirements
from michael.strawn to everyone: 10:18 AM
email us at [email protected] or email me directly at [email protected]
from michael.strawn to everyone: 10:18 AM
you should be able to log back in to the listserve and see all industries you are signed up for
from Jeff Alford to everyone: 10:19 AM You can restrict it to just motocycles.
from michael.strawn to everyone: 10:19 AM
school/sponsor owners i would have email us at the education email above and cc myself
from keith rovell to everyone: 10:19 AM Keith Rovell on via phone.
from O-Thomas to everyone: 10:19 AM tdlr.texas.gov
from michael.strawn to everyone: 10:20 AM https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/TXDLR/subscriber/new — ListServe link
from Jeff Alford to everyone: 10:20 AM
You can restrict the emails to just motorcycles when you sign up for emails.
from michael.strawn to everyone: 10:21 AM
School owners: email us at [email protected] and copy me [email protected] for your questions
from Mike Arismendez to everyone: 10:22 AM Jeff, yes you can
Safety Forum Update/Discussion
[missed copying speaker]
Break it up through the evening
from Chris to everyone: 10:27 AM during the week
from Kenan Rappuchi to everyone: 10:27 AM Break it up
from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:27 AM
I think that if we were to break up it would allow for follow up
from William Allen to everyone: 10:27 AM Weekday evenings. Saturdays are for riding.
from Wendell Glen Pugh to everyone: 10:27 AM
IF we can’t meet inperson, I’d recommend having the videos online and register for the training at our leisure
from Kenan Rappuchi to everyone: 10:28 AM The interaction is too valuable
from keith rovell to everyone: 10:28 AM
Maybe just put information and video presentations online thru looklearnlive.org
from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:28 AM videos and informatics always, yes
from Cathy Brooks to everyone: 10:28 AM
Combination of the videos and the open forums to discuss
from David Jones to everyone: 10:28 AM
Originally we would have all met over a weekend at a destination. Why not just hold a weekend online meeting and get it all done?
from Laura Higgins (internal) to everyone: 10:28 AM
The Forum videos could be made available afterwards in addition to “live”
from Rich Richman to everyone: 10:28 AM
How feasible is an interactive conference with a large attendance?
from Kelly Howard to everyone: 10:28 AM Over a weekend
from Kenan Rappuchi to everyone: 10:29 AM @Rich, it is feasible
from Kenan Rappuchi to everyone: 10:29 AM ‘There are platforms that do this now
from User to everyone: 10:29 AM
The whole point of a conference vs sending an email blast is the interaction.
from Kenan Rappuchi to everyone: 10:29 AM It works
from User to everyone: 10:29 AM
Granted, virtual interaction isn’t as good, but it’s way better than watching videos.]
from Rich Richman to everyone: 10:31 AM
I like the interactive idea if structured well. Breaking it up and spreading it out will help people focus on what interests them most IMO.
from Kelly Howard to everyone: 10:31 AM Can we get a transcript of the chat?
Forum Topics: Mike suggested some potential speakers (see slides); chat suggestions follow.
from User to everyone: 10:34 AM
Autonomous vehicle interaction with motorcycles.
from Chris to everyone: 10:34 AM
How about Jim Hyde, or Shawn Thomas as a keynote
from Jeff Alford to everyone: 10:35 AM Elon Musk
from Kenan Rappuchi to everyone: 10:35 AM ugh El Jefe
from Jeff Alford to everyone: 10:35 AM Heard hes in Texas
from Kenan Rappuchi to everyone: 10:35 AM lol
from Kelly Howard to everyone: 10:35 AM Ray Ochs
rom Chris to everyone: 10:35 AM
JimHydeis with Rawhyde training, Shawn Thomas is with Bmw and is also an instructor
from scott floyed to everyone: 10:35 AM best way to engage and train more instructors
from Kenan Rappuchi to everyone: 10:36 AM Perhaps some OEM participation?
from User to everyone: 10:36 AM AMA reps?
from drbump to everyone: 10:36 AM Mike – you should NOT drink and ride… 🙂
from Rich Richman to everyone: 10:36 AM
Maybe some survivors talking about crashes after drinking and riding?? Anyone know of someone willing to share??
from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:36 AM I would love to share
from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:37 AM But mine not ddriving related.
from Chris to everyone: 10:37 AM Scott Floyd is with BRP
from Kenan Rappuchi to everyone: 10:37 AM
I have connections at BMW, Piaggio, Yamaha, Honda and Tucker Rocky
from David Jones to everyone: 10:37 AM
Brett Tacks co=founder Puget Motorcycle Safety, world traveler and world trainer for both public and LEO
from O-Thomas to everyone: 10:38 AM [email protected]
from “Ronnie” TCOC&I Region 1 to everyone: 10:38 AM
Basic Rider courses to be addressed in several areas (ie cost, equipment provided, regulations on repeat rider course l)
from Rich Richman to everyone: 10:38 AM
It would be nice to get someone who would discuss the mindset of drinking while riding and share how the incident went, the crash, recovery, etc..
from keith rovell to everyone: 10:38 AM
Since there will be no state-sponsored instructor conference, perhaps a breakout session or two for instructor professional development to help with recertification. Would be a good incentive to have instructors participate.
TMSC Meeting Review
from Chris to everyone: 10:42 AM easier on evenings, yet I’m open
from Rich Richman to everyone: 10:42 AM Current Crash Statistics
from “Ronnie” TCOC&I Region 1 to everyone: 10:43 AM Evening during the week and weekends are great too
from Rich Richman to everyone: 10:43 AM
Legal updates with respect to legislation (rumors/actual bills being introduced)
from Jeff Alford to everyone: 10:43 AM
With kids attending at-home schooling it may be better for those people who don’t have share the computer with the kids for evening meetings.
from Rich Richman to everyone: 10:43 AM
National Safety Trends- What we are seeing with other states
from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:44 AM Emergency response input
from Lora Dame to everyone: 10:44 AM
Please no weekends. Conflicts with Community events in our Region
Legislative Update: Jude
from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: 10:47 AM
Getting hit from behind at intersections is a very common crash type.
from drbump to everyone: 10:47 AM
Traffic filtering – catch up with THE rest of the motorcycling WORLD
from Rich Richman to everyone: 10:48 AM It may be better received than lane splitting.
from Rich Richman to everyone: 10:49 AM
If Justin Berry wins his race he will be a big advocate for MC safety.
from Kenneth.Copeland to everyone: 10:51 AM
Do we know how many States now allow lane filtering?
[Sorry; copy-paste mistake here. –Two attendees suggested it might be 4 states, or 3; Jude S. is pretty sure 2 states allow it: California and Utah.]
from Kelly Howard to everyone: 10:54 AM Education would definitely be needed
from Chris to everyone: 10:54 AM
The wording for the filtering bill is not specific enough, California directs what the drivers responsibilities as well
from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:55 AM
Yes! otherwise people will become defensive toward mc
from Rich Richman to everyone: 10:56 AM
A filtering bill would need a parallel educational campaign to pass IMO. Driver education regarding the purpose and need is key to it even being considered IMO.
from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:58 AM
fatalities and injuries would be a superb outlet for advocacy
from Cody Stewart (internal) to everyone: 10:58 AM
Rider education is equally as important. 5mph lane filtering doesn’t equate to 70mph lane splitting on the highway. Those will be the riders that ruin the whole idea and make drivers hostile towards even the riders that are filtering responsibly.
from Rich Richman to everyone: 11:00 AM Agreed!
from Cathy Brooks to everyone: 11:00 AM
Incorporating intersection markings allowing area for mc at the front, similar to bicycle lanes in some cities, will be helpful if passed.
from Chris to everyone: 11:00 AM
California law states that no more than 5mph over the flow of moving traffic. I teach in Cali, in the law it states that drivers have to make room for riders
TMSC Charter Discussion
from ajo_6 to everyone: 11:10 AM EMS, yes
from ajo_6 to everyone: 11:13 AM Informatics absolutely!
from Chris to everyone: 11:15 AM I like it
from Kelly Howard to everyone: 11:15 AM I like what I’m seeing about the charter
from Jude Schexnyder to everyone: 11:15 AM
It’s a great plan. How do you plan to get volunteers?
from David Jones to everyone: 11:16 AM Great direction to move toward
from Chris to everyone: 11:16 AM I nominate Jude for Legislative chair
from ajo_6 to everyone: 11:16 AM Yes
from Nina Saint to everyone: 11:17 AM The Charter needs to be completed
from ajo_6 to everyone: 11:18 AM
yes, outreach, informatics on all levels and areas with legislature, law enforcement, EMS, Hospital Outreach
Open Discussion
from Skee Dodson to everyone: 11:19 AM
Motorcycle Legislative Day at the Capitol is going to be on Jan. 25th (Mon).
from Chris to everyone: 11:19 AM thanks Skee
from drbump to everyone: 11:20 AM She has done GREAT!
from drbump to everyone: 11:20 AM But with covid……………… (
from ajo_6 to everyone: 11:22 AM Yes perfect
from Kelly Howard to everyone: 11:24 AM Do we email you for the transcript of the chat?
from Kelly Howard to everyone: 11:25 AM Thx
from ajo_6 to everyone: 11:25 AM
I will get with friend who is rep that works on media board on hwys, businesses, hospitals, etc
from O-Thomas to everyone: 11:25 AM https://www.looklearnlive.org/
Mike Manser
Meeting Minutes: TMSC-Meeting-Minutes-September-3-2020.pdf
Agenda: TMSC-September-3-2020-Agenda.pdf