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Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Meeting
December 3, 2020 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm CST
Webex Conference Call
Texas A&M Transportation Institute Texas Department of TransportationTexas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Meeting Agenda
Date: December 3, 2020
Time: 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (CDT)
Location: Via WebEx
11:00 – 11:05 AM Opening Remarks & Introductions (Chris)
11:05 – 11:10 AM Refresher on how to use Webex (Mike)
11:10 – 11:30 AM TDLR Updates (TDLR staff)
11:30 – 11:45 AM License to Rider Motorcycle Project Update
11:45 – 11:55 AM Legislative update (Jude)
11:55 – 12:10 PM TMSC Meetings (12/3, 4/15, 6/24, 9/2) and Forum (Saturday March 6)
12:10 – 12:30ish PM Updates, Open Forum (open)
12:35 PM Adjourn
Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Meeting Minutes
Date: December 3, 2020
Time: 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (CDT)
Location: Via WebEx
Opening Remarks & Introduction (C. Beireis & M. Manser)
Mike Manser and Chris Beireis welcomed everyone to the TMSC meeting. Approximately 59 people attended by WebEx. An attendee list (as shown on the WebEx participant list) and a chat transcript of the meeting are attached to these minutes.
WebEx Refresher (M. Manser)
Mike demonstrated how to use the WebEx chat box to provide comments during the meeting, and invited participants to contact TTI through the Contact Us page on LookLearnLive.org.
TxDOT FY21 Motorcycle Projects
Mona Lisa Didelot-Page reviewed the Traffic Safety Projects in the Motorcycle Safety program area that have been funded for FY21. Eva Shipp provided some additional details on the Unlicensed to Ride project, which this year is going to provide scholarships to a selected number of riders to take the Basic or Intermediate Rider Course, along with continuing to match and analyze data on licensing status of riders involved in fatal crashes, and to reach out to all unlicensed riders across the state to encourage them to get trained and licensed.
Mona Lisa also invited anyone wanting a motorcycle safety presentation delivered to an organization or event to contact her. Her email address is [email protected].
TDLR Updates (M. Arismendez)
Mike Arismendez and David Gonzales (Deputy Director of Licensing Services) provided an update on TDLR activities in motorcycle training and licensing. He encouraged people to visit the website for the latest news and information on motorcycle training and licensing, instructor training and licensing, etc., to sign up for email updates, and to submit public comments to the Motorcycle Safety Advisory Group (https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/mot/mot.htm). They are currently experiencing a backlog due to COVID-related staff outages, so get license renewals in as soon as possible.
Because of the backlog, a 120-day extension was granted for licenses expiring August-November. Questions and comments can also be sent to customer service at https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/help/
For comments to the Advisory Board – notification is posted ahead of each meeting to submit written comments or to request time for an oral comment.
Further details of the discussion can be found in the attached chat transcript.
TMSC Task Force Update (Legislative)
Cathy Brooks presented some information on the TMSC Task Force mission statement, purpose, and membership needs. The Task Force will consist of a Chair and members who proactively work on motorcyclist safety activities on behalf of the TMSC. Task Force eligibility and duties are detailed in the meeting slides (see meeting materials on LookLearnLive.org). Initial Task Force groups will include the following:
- Texas Statewide Motorcycle Safety Forum
- Legislation (already filled)
- Marketing – Determines who the TMSC would like to market to and identifies channels, content, etc.
Additional Task Force groups may be developed to address particular TMSC interests such as reducing alcohol involved riding, identifying and promoting safety actions used by independent riders and clubs, public education, increasing rider training and licensure, and the Motorcycle Strategic Action Plan for Texas. TMSC Members wishing to become TF Members may submit a nomination form or make a request to the TF Chair or Administrator via email or in-person.
Jude Schexnyder provided an update from the Legislative Task Force. Still a little early, but a lot of bills pre-filed for the upcoming leg session. Info coming mostly from Texas COC&I.
- Profiling bill and Texas Gang Data Reform Bill are likely going Two state reps and three senators have signed on to co-author/co-sponsor it.
- Revisiting Sandra Bland Act – Might be re-filed under a different Takes away the ability for custody arrest for traffic offenses that could be ticketable only.
- Some other bills are being pursued but have not gotten as far through the process yet:
- Pull vehicles classified as autocycles out of motorcycle crash
- Dead red bill – This may be addressed this
- Traffic filtering – Supporters of this bill are still looking for a
Rep Ben Leeman and Rep John Raney, Sen Loyce Cokehurst, Sen Charles Wertner are Transportation Committee members, and may be good candidates to communicate with about these bills.
Safety Forum Update/Discussion (C. Brooks)
Cathy Brooks and Mike Manser asked for input from the TMSC on how to structure the virtual Forum for 2021. Options presented included staying with a single-day format versus spreading it out over multiple days or evenings. Comments from the meeting’s chat indicated a preference for keeping the Forum to a one-day format and on a Saturday.
Updates and Open Forum (C. Beireis)
Mike reported that LaSheryl Jones is new motorcycle safety manager at NHTSA and we’re hoping to have her speak at a TMSC meeting at some point.
Chris Beireis reminded members that we cannot allow advertising by vendors on the LookLearnLive social media or websites.
Mike Manser presented some slides about a current FHWA project being conducted by Chiara Dobrovolny at TTI to improve safety of guardrails and safety barriers for motorcycle riders. Improvements include changing guardrail profiles by adding lower barriers to keep riders from hitting rail posts, or adding padding to posts to mitigate the impact. The research is also testing protectors on top of rails to protect riders from sliding against the metal edge, and fencing on top of a roadside barrier to keep riders from flying over the top of the barrier. Chiara’s research is using motorcycles with rider “dummies” to test these potential improvements.
Marcie Perez (TTI) presented some draft postcards to be sent out to unlicensed riders as part of the Unlicensed to Ride project for this year, and asked for feedback from attendees on the postcard themes and look. She also presented the early drafts of postcards advertising this year’s scholarship program for riders wishing to take the course.
The meeting adjourned at 12:35 p.m.
Attendees (as shown on WebEx Participant List)
Mike Arismendez from TDLR
Theresa Parma, Traffic Safety Specialist, TxDOT Yoakum District
Kenneth Copeland, NHTSA Region 6
Sue Lee Flores, TxDOT for Austin District
Eva Shipp, TTI
Cathy Brooks, TTI
Tommy Moreno – TxDOT San Antonio District Karen Peoples, TxDOT
Mona Lisa, TxDOT
Keith Rovell TMSC Vice Chair Chris Sharman, Sherry Matthews Freddie Summer, TxDOT
Gina Galindo TxDOT Odessa District
Irene Webster, TxDOT TSS Atlanta District
Kelly Howard Rider Coach Houston
Stephanie Christina, TxDOT CORPUS CHRISTI
Jolie Person, TxDOT Waco District – TSS
Christie Havemann, TTI
Marcie Perez, TTI
Hello, Ruby Martinez – TxDOT
Sedrick Montgomery, TXDOT Traffic Safety Specialist, Ft. Worth District Becky Walker, NHTSA
Nicole Tyler, TxDOT TSS Childress District
James H – Just an interested observer…
Jessica Son, TxDOT Behavioral Traffic Safety, Program Lead, based in Austin.
Julia Davies, TxDOT Bryan District
Carol Campa, TxDOT
Sergio Reyna TxDOT Laredo District Samuel Aguirre, TxDOT Branch Manager
Brett Reichart TxDOT, TSS Austin District
Woody Wells, Coalition of Independent Riders Region 1 ATX
Jude Schexnyder, Texas State Chapter Coordinator for the American Motorcyclist Association.
Christopher Beireis TMSC Board Chair, Instructor and Rider Coach
Spitfire (Veronica Nippert) from TCOC&I Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Region 1
Nina Saint, SafeWay Driving, non TxDOT / TDLR
LaViza Matthews TSS Amarillo District
Joe Morris, Rig Riders MC, TCOC&I Region 3 US Defender
Joel Morris, San Jacinto Harley Riding Academy
Jasmine Valdez, San Jacinto Harley Riding Academy
Andy Snelson, San Jacinto Harley Riding Academy
Bobby Abrahams Harley-Davidson Riding Academy
Jill Christie, TxDOT, Traffic Safety Specialist – Abilene District (BWD Interim) –
Sherri Robelia, TxDOT Program Manager
Jessica Wilkerson, TxDOT, Traffic Safety Specialist-Fort Worth District
David Gonzales, Deputy Executive Director – Licensing Services, TDLR
Robbi Smith, Program Mgr, TxDOT
TMSC Meeting Chat Transcript
The following comments from the chat have been edited to eliminate those that had to do with momentary technical difficulties, etc. and to place them within the context of the meeting segment they refer to.
from Mike Arismendez to everyone: 11:06 AM Mike Arismendez from TDLR
from Theresa Parma to everyone: 11:06 AM
Theresa Parma, Traffic Safety Specialist, TxDOT Yoakum District, includes 11 counties from Kenneth.Copeland to everyone: 11:06 AM
Kenneth Copeland, NHTSA Region 6
from Sue Lee Flores to everyone: 11:07 AM Sue Lee Flores, TxDOT for Austin District from eva to everyone: 11:07 AM
Eva Shipp, TTI
from Cathy Brooks to everyone: 11:07 AM Cathy Brooks, TTI
from Tommy Moreno to everyone: 11:07 AM Tommy Moreno – TxDOT San Antonio District from Karen Peoples to everyone: 11:07 AM Karen Peoples, TxDOT
from Mona Lisa Didelot-Page to everyone: 11:07 AM Mona Lisa, TxDOT
from Keith Rovell to everyone: 11:07 AM Keith Rovell TMSC Vice Chair
from Chris Sharman to everyone: 11:07 AM Chris Sharman, Sherry Matthews
from Freddie Summer to everyone: 11:07 AM Freddie Summer TxDOT and no cager
from Virginia Galindo to everyone: 11:07 AM Gina Galindo TxDOT Odessa District
from Irene Webster to everyone: 11:07 AM Irene Webster, TxDOT TSS Atlanta District Kelly Howard RiderCoach Houston
from Stephanie Christina to everyone: 11:07 AM Stephanie Christina, TxDOT CORPUS CHRISTI
from Jolie Person to everyone: 11:07 AM Jolie Person, TxDOT Waco District – TSS from c-havemann to everyone: 11:07 AM Christie Havemann, TTI
from Marcie Perez (internal) to everyone: 11:07 AM Marcie Perez, TTI
from Ruby Martinez to everyone: 11:07 AM Hello, Ruby Martinez – TxDOT
from Sedrick Montgomery to everyone: 11:07 AM
Sedrick Montgomery, TXDOT Traffic Safety Specialist, Ft. Worth District from Becky Walker to everyone: 11:07 AM
Becky Walker, NHTSA
from Nicole Tyler to everyone: 11:07 AM Nicole Tyler, TxDOT TSS Childress District from James H to everyone: 11:07 AM Just an interested observer…
from Jessica Son to everyone: 11:07 AM
Jessica Son, TxDOT Behavioral Traffic Safety, Program Lead, based in Austin. Hi All! from Julia Davies to everyone: 11:07 AM
Julia Davies, TxDOT Bryan District
from Carol Campa to everyone: 11:07 AM Carol Campa, TxDOT
from Sergio Reyna to everyone: 11:07 AM Sergio Reyna TxDOT Laredo District
from Samuel Aguirre to everyone: 11:07 AM Samuel Aguirre, TxDOT Branch Manager from Brett Reichart to everyone: 11:07 AM Brett Reichart TxDOT, TSS Austin District
from Woody Wells to everyone: 11:07 AM
Woody Wells, Coalition of Independent Riders Region 1 ATX from Jude Schexnyder to everyone: 11:07 AM
Morning all, Jude Schexnyder here. I’m the Texas State Chapter Coordinator for the American Motorcyclist Association.
from Chris to everyone: 11:07 AM
Christopher Beireis TMSC Board Chair, Instructor and Rider Coach from Veronica Nippert to everyone: 11:08 AM
Good morning this is Spitfire (Veronica Nippert) from TCOC&I Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Region 1 from Nina to everyone: 11:08 AM
Nina Saint, SafeWay Driving, non TxDOT / TDLR (attendance not for any TxDOT grant) from LaViza Matthews to everyone: 11:08 AM
LaViza Matthews TSS Amarillo District from Joe to everyone: 11:08 AM
Joe Morris, Rig Riders MC, TCOC&I Region 3 US Defender from User to everyone: 11:08 AM
joel morris,jasmine valdez, andy snelson, san jacinto harley riding academy from Bobby Abrahams to everyone: 11:09 AM
Bobby Abrahams Harley-Davidson Riding Academy from Jill Christie to everyone: 11:09 AM
Jill Christie, TxDOT, Traffic Safety Specialist – Abilene District (BWD Interim) – [email protected] from Sherri Robelia to everyone: 11:10 AM
Sherri Robelia, TxDOT Program Manager from JWILKERS to everyone: 11:12 AM
Jessica Wilkerson, TxDOT, Traffic Safety Specialist-Fort Worth District from David Gonzales to everyone: 11:13 AM
David Gonzales, Deputy Executive Director – Licensing Services, TDLR from Robbi Smith to everyone: 11:14 AM
Robbi Smith, Program Mgr, TxDOT
TxDOT FY21 Projects
rom eva to everyone: 11:17 AM Jude!!!!
from Samuel Aguirre to everyone: 11:20 AM
Mona Lisa’s presentation is amazing. Please reach out to her. from Theresa Parma to everyone: 11:21 AM
How does the M endorcement fit into the inspection/registriation tag process? I guess you don’t have to show your license there, but only insurance?
from drbump to everyone: 11:21 AM Correct
from Chris to everyone: 11:21 AM
out of the 85k of cards sent out is there a conversion of riders who had taken advantage of the cards from Mona Lisa Didelot-Page to everyone: 11:21 AM
Chris, I can definetly look into that
from drbump to everyone: 11:21 AM Maybe show presentation at end of mtg?
from Mona Lisa Didelot-Page to everyone: 11:23 AM
We will be tracking who has actually taken the BRC due to receiving a postcard and we will have those numbers later in the year
from Jude Schexnyder to everyone: 11:25 AM
Although 42% of riders killed without a Class M endorsement in 2019 is much too high, keep in mind we have improved considerably from where we were. In 2008 about 62% of riders killed had no Class M. Mandatory training for licensing has had a positive impact.
from Mona Lisa Didelot-Page to everyone: 11:25 AM Yes thank you Jude
from Franck TURMEL-JOSEK to everyone: 11:37 AM Recommendation could be No M No Insurance!
from Chris to everyone: 11:38 AM
That info would have to be run by the insurance board from Chris Sharman to everyone: 11:40 AM
Is there research that shows an M endorsement reduces crashes/injuries/fatalities? Is there a lower rate of crashes of those with vs. those without?
from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: 11:41 AM Hi Chris. I can ask Eva or Marcie to look into this.
from Chris to everyone: 11:41 AM
yes, CMSP has just posted there info for California
from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: 11:42 AM
Do you have a link to that informaition…would love to see it. from Chris to everyone: 11:44 AM
I will see if I can find it. Just attended a PDW out in California and it was presented then.
TDLR Updates
from David Gonzales to everyone: 11:35 AM https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/mot/mot.htm from David Gonzales to everyone: 11:36 AM For email updates…
https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/mot/mot.htm#email from David Gonzales to everyone: 11:48 AM
For TDLR Advisory Board Public Comments, the Public Comment Notice reads something like this…
Any person wishing to address the Board must submit an email by following the Public Comment Instructions found on the last page of the posted agenda or located at www.tdlr.texas.gov. Emails must be submitted to
[email protected] by certain time period prior to the meeting…………………………………………………………………………………………………… usually the last business day
before the scheduled meeting.
from James H to everyone: 11:58 AM thank you!
from David Gonzales to everyone: 11:59 AM
My apologies…I have to sign off early to attend another meeting.. actually related to the Motorcycles and ATV
Operator Safety Program. Truly appreciate the invitation and if you decide to have us back, we should be able to have a slide or two to share that provides a better visual representation than just my ugly Aggie face up on the Webex screen. thanks again and gig’em!
rom Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: 12:00 PM Thank you David
TMSC Task Force Updates
from Chris to everyone: 11:46 AM
I would like to put my name in for the TF Chair from Veronica Nippert to everyone: 11:47 AM I will email Mr. Manser to become a member from Veronica Nippert to everyone: 11:47 AM Of course!
Legislative Update: Jude
from Veronica Nippert to everyone: 12:00 PM
We need 1000 plus riders for Legislative Day on 1/25/21 here at our Texas State Capital. from James H to everyone: 12:00 PM
for me, it’s Sylvia Garcia and Harold Dutton. from James H to everyone: 12:00 PM sorry ,,, John Whitmire
from James H to everyone: 12:00 PM not Sylvia
from Veronica Nippert to everyone: 12:01 PM Correction……………. Bikers Legislative Day**1/25/21**
from Joe to everyone: 12:02 PM
Motorcycle Riders Foundation, mrg.org. check out their website and join. from Joe to everyone: 12:02 PM
from Jude Schexnyder to everyone: 12:02 PM My email is [email protected]
from Veronica Nippert to everyone: 12:02 PM Working on that now.
from Joe to everyone: 12:02 PM my computer, mrf.org
from Franck TURMEL-JOSEK to everyone: 12:04 PM
Sorry I must leave before the end. Is there a place where I can find the support of today’s presentations? from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: 12:04 PM
Today’s presentation will be posted on the looklearnlive.org website from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: 12:04 PM
along with minutes
from Veronica Nippert to everyone: 12:10 PM
Here is one of the websites for details on the Bikers Legislative Day – 1/25/21 https://txcoci.com/
Safety Forum Update/Discussion
from Chris to everyone: 12:05 PM one day
from Franck TURMEL-JOSEK to everyone: 12:06 PM One Day
from Kelly Howard to everyone: 12:07 PM one day on a weekend
from Nina to everyone: 12:07 PM One day
from Keith Rovell to everyone: 12:07 PM One day
from User to everyone: 12:07 PM one day
from Franck TURMEL-JOSEK to everyone: 12:08 PM Thank you. Take care and ride safely.
from drbump to everyone: 12:09 PM
When it was in conjuction with the DPS conference – you got a lot of instructors from drbump to everyone: 12:09 PM
Open Discussion
from Keith Rovell to everyone: 12:17 PM
Cost of conversion of barriers? Feasability of that expenditure for 2% of road users?
from Tommy Moreno to everyone: 12:18 PM Wouldn’t a Net be better?
from Veronica Nippert to everyone: 12:19 PM
Couldnt the cost come out of the Tx state Motorcycle safety funds? from Veronica Nippert to everyone: 12:20 PM
I believe California has those fence barriers(?)
from Marcie Perez (internal) to everyone: 12:21 PM
Do we have time for me to present the possible themes for the post cards for the Unlicensed to ride project? We just wanted to get a little feed back
from Chris to everyone: 12:21 PM Please do
from Chris to everyone: 12:25 PM Theme 4
rom Veronica Nippert to everyone: 12:25 PM
Theme 4 is an eye catcher, but its the cost of the RSC that is mostly the issue(?) from Cathy Brooks to everyone: 12:25 PM
Theme 1 and 4
from Jude Schexnyder to everyone: 12:25 PM I like theme 4
from Kenneth.Copeland to everyone: 12:26 PM Why not stress that its the law?
from Cathy Brooks to everyone: 12:26 PM
Question, my M licensed family members received this postcard, why? from Robbi Smith to everyone: 12:26 PM
Theme 4 – for consistency
from Monica Yates to everyone: 12:26 PM Theme 4
from drbump to everyone: 12:26 PM Scratch 1
from Tommy Moreno to everyone: 12:26 PM Theme 2 is kind of Long.
from Kenneth.Copeland to everyone: 12:26 PM Do not like Theme 2
from Chris Sharman to everyone: 12:26 PM
I would suggest identifying some unlicensed riders and testing which message will be most effective. I would think Theme 1, depending on how it is executed, plus a message about the law/penalties might be the most effective, but always test your message with the target audience if you can.
from Kelly Howard to everyone: 12:26 PM 4
from Veronica Nippert to everyone: 12:27 PM
Do not like Theme 1, 2, 3… theme 4 appeals to people eyes
from Jude Schexnyder to everyone: 12:27 PM
In theme 4 you might consider adding a statement to the effect that improving your collision avoidance skills is your best approach to motorcycle survival.
from Joe to everyone: 12:27 PM 4
from Veronica Nippert to everyone: 12:27 PM I agree with Jude
from REDD to everyone: 12:27 PM Don’t like theme 2
from Chris to everyone: 12:28 PM
Can you expand this program to promote advanced training? from Jolie Person to everyone: 12:28 PM
I second Chris S. comment above. What is your target audience and find what is most effective with them.
from James H to everyone: 12:28 PM i like 4 the best
from Veronica Nippert to everyone: 12:29 PM
but after the post cards then people hit the “cost” of the RSC and if they fail they have to pay the full amount again and within 30 days so try to make it easier for people to take the course. Post cards are
good but money trumps everything. from drbump to everyone: 12:30 PM DPS is still issueing the license
from Samuel Aguirre to everyone: 12:34 PM
Mona Lisa, Thanks for your leadership. need to leave meeting. from Veronica Nippert to everyone: 12:35 PM
Thank you & Merry Christmas!
Mike Manser
Meeting Minutes: TMSC-Meeting-Minutes-December-3-2020.pdf
Agenda: TMSC-December-2020-Agenda.pdf