TMSC Task Force and Task Force Membership
Within the TMSC there will exist a TMSC Task Force (TF) that consists of a collection of TMSC Members who proactively work on motorcyclist safety activities on behalf of the TMSC Members. The TF shall consist of a TF Chair and TF Members.
Task Force Members: TMSC Members wishing to become TF Members may submit a nomination form or make a request to the TF Chair or Administrator via email or in-person. They must be a TMSC Member, in good standing, for at least one full year prior to nomination. All nominations shall be reviewed by the TF Members and appointed as needed to fill expertise gaps and to work proactively on motorcyclist safety activities. The TF Chair may appoint additional members on an as-needed basis. The Co-Facilitators shall appoint an initial group of Task Force Members.
Task Force Chair: The Chair shall serve as the organizational leader of the TF. The chair shall:
- Schedule and preside at meetings of the TF.
- Nominate TF Members.
- Perform such duties as the TMSC requests.
- Interface with the Co-Facilitators and the TMSC Chair to provide guidance to the TMSC Members and TF Members.
- Attend and “report out” to the TMSC Members at Coalition meetings.
TF Members wishing to serve as the TF Chair will submit a nomination form to the Administrator via email or in-person. They must be a TF Member, in good standing, for at least one full year prior to nomination. All nominations will be reviewed by the TF Members and appointed as TF Chair through a majority vote. The Co-Facilitators shall appoint an initial TF Chair until the annual Texas Statewide Motorcycle Safety Forum where the TF Members will appoint a TF Chair.
TF Chair and Member Terms: The TF Chair will serve a single term of two (2) fiscal years with the option to serve one additional term of two (2) fiscal years. The additional term shall be voted on and approved by the TF Members at the TMSC meeting just prior to the TF Chair’s term expiration. Each TF Member will serve a term of one (1) fiscal year (October 1 – September 30) with the option to serve again. There is no limit to the number of terms that a TF Member can serve. Each TF Member shall sign and adhere to a letter of commitment at the start of each new fiscal year.
Resignation or Termination: Any TF Chair or TF Member has the right to resign their position. Any resignation should be provided to the Administrator or TF Chair who will share the information with the TF Members. By affirmative vote of at least 50% of TF Members present at a regularly conducted meeting, a TF Chair or TF Member can be suspended or terminated for just cause. The Co-Facilitators can terminate the TF Chair or TF Members in extreme cases for just cause (e.g., unethical conduct, misconduct, etc.).
Task Force Working Groups
As needed, the TMSC TF Chair can appoint working groups to help achieve the mission and purpose of the TMSC TF. Working groups are a loose grouping of TF Members that work together to address a specific motorcyclist safety topic. The TF Chair can create or disband working groups based on the needs of the TF and the TMSC. TF Members are eligible to serve on any working group and are eligible to serve on more than one working group. Working group meetings can be held via webinar, phone, or in-person and can be conducted in the interim between quarterly TMSC meetings. Each working group shall independently establish the frequency of meetings with the expectation that each working group will meet at a minimum of once each fiscal year but more likely once between quarterly Coalition meetings.
At a minimum, it is recommended that the following working groups be organized within the TF to accomplish the TMSC mission and its purpose, but it is recognized that the formulation of working groups will depend on several factors including the availability of TF Members. The following working groups are recommended:
- Texas Statewide Motorcycle Safety Forum Working Group – This working group will be responsible for planning and organizing the Annual Texas Statewide Motorcycle Safety Forum. Including identifying a date, time, location, speakers, activities, etc.
- Legislation Working Group – This working group will be responsible for tracking relevant motorcycle safety legislation before, during, and after session, tracking relevant legislation before and after enactment, informing the TF Members and TMSC Members of their status, and indicating a framework that TF Members or Members can use to inform legislation. This working group can be supported by the grant recipient’s legislative liaison, as needed.
- Motorcycle Strategic Action Plan Working Group – TxDOT requires that a Motorcycle Strategic Action Plan (MSAP) be developed for Texas every five years. The MSAP identifies those strategies and actions that should be conducted by motorcycle safety stakeholders to achieve the mission and purpose of the TMSC. The MSAP working group should work in conjunction with the grant recipient Co-Facilitator, Administrator, and Administration to develop and produce the MSAP.
The Co-Facilitators encourage that additional working groups be formed to address priority areas identified previously within the:
- TxDOT Texas MSAP
- NHTSA Motorcycle Safety Program Technical Assessment for the State of Texas
- NHTSA National Agenda for Motorcycle Safety
- NHTSA Prioritized Recommendations of the National Agenda for Motorcycle Safety.
These additional working groups could address motorcycle safety topics or activities and could include:
- Reducing Alcohol Involved Riding
- Increasing Rider Training and Licensure
- Safety – Identify safety actions being undertaken by independent riders, groups, and club and to provide regular updates to TMSC that can be used by others.
- Marketing – Determines who the TMSC would like to market to and identifies channels, content, etc.
- Education – Review subrecipient education and outreach materials and identify what messages resonate with riders.