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Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Meeting
January 12, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am CST
Microsoft Teams
Texas A&M Transportation Institute Texas Department of Transportation No cost to attend
Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Meeting Agenda
Date: January 12, 2023
Time: 10 a.m.–11:30 a.m.
Location: Microsoft Teams
10:00 – 10:05 AM Opening Remarks & Introductions (Maurice M.)
10:05 – 10:10 AM Refresher on how to use Teams (Cathy B.)
10:10 – 10:20 AM Task Force update (Jude S.)
10:20 – 10:30 AM 2023 Forum Plan (Cathy B.)
10:30 – 11:15 AM Information and Resource Sharing (Maurice M.)
11:15 – 11:25 AM Announcements and Open Forum (open)
11:30 AM Adjourn (Maurice M.)
Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Meeting Agenda
Date: January 12, 2023
Time: 10 a.m.–11:30 a.m.
Location: Microsoft Teams
Opening Remarks & Introductions
Cathy Brooks welcomed everyone to the meeting
Refresher on how to use Teams
Cathy gave a refresher on how to use Teams (graphics were on screen)
Task Force update (Jude S.)
The first preliminary meeting was held by the task force. The objective for this fiscal year is to identify ten motorcycle safety initiatives that could be considered for future grant funding. This first meeting was to toss around ideas. The three subsequent meetings will have more in depth conversations on the possible initiatives and narrow the list down to about ten.
- 10 Initiatives Brainstorm
- Work on TMSC attendance
- Greater interaction with the dealerships
- Look at interactions with motorcycles and autonomous vehicles
- Use data to key in on crash issues
- Motorist awareness issues – use heat maps and motorcycle crash locations to guide the message distribution
- Attain 501 funding to defray the cost of rider coach training.
- Impaired riding
- Teach new motorist more about the human factors involved in being aware of motorcycles
- Other input welcome
- Please send ideas for further consideration to [email protected]
- Legislative Update
- HB230 –notification of inclusion into intelligence database
- HB258 – motorcycle profiling bill
- Go to – Google TX legislature online
- Texas Biker Legislative Day Announcement
- Texas Biker Legislative Day – January 22-23, 2023
- Sunday – January 22 – Texas Defenders Training & Information Meeting
- Monday- January 23 – a) Ride to the capitol, b) Meet with your legislators
- Make appointments with your legislator prior to January 23rd
- There are two bills that have been filed by Maria Gonzalez, Democrat, El Paso
- HB 230 relates to intelligence database for criminal street gangs
- HB 258 is the bill regarding motorcycle profiling by peace officers
- Raine Devries discussed Malorie’s Law regarding handholds and footrests. The law is vague and inconsistently enforced due to the range of interpretations among law enforcement agencies. This is related to HB 258 because an officer has the right to pull someone over to check if you have a handhold.
- You can look up bills at 88th Legislature Regular Session
Texas Legislature Online – https://capitol.texas.gov/
2023 Forum Plan (Cathy B.)
April 1, 2023 in San Marcos or New Braunfels
“Motorcycle Safety – It’s No Joke”
TMSC meeting /Workshops /Safe System Case Study
Your help is needed:
- Identify speakers/participants: Please send ideas to [email protected]
- Increase attendance: Please share social media posts and email announcements with other riders and drivers to help increase awareness and attendance at the Forum
Information and Resource Sharing (Maurice M.)
- What do you want to know more about?
- Public access data – Registered motorcycles/crashes/Texas ranking/population/MSF training numbers: a Handout of sources reviewed and used to be posted on LookLearnLive.org
- Lane filtering/sharing – video and discussion
- Video of why to ride created by an insurance company in England
- Ride to Work Day, 3rd Monday in June (June 19, 2023)
Announcements and Open Forum (open)
- TMSC meeting topics and dates (March 31, with the forum, August 17 in-person-hybrid?)
- Events and Outreach
- Houston RV Show Feb 8-11
- EarthX2023 April 19-23
- TxDOT Strategic Communities/update contact information – Please update your TMSC contact information: Online Survey Link
- Ask for your TxDOT Traffic Safety Specialist (yard signs) and District Traffic Safety Coalitions: https://www.txdot.gov/about/districts.html
- Open Forum – Laura announcement – Alcohol and riding project – tool kit- ask participants about the toolkit and project: https://www.looklearnlive.org/safety/preventing-impaired-riding/
- TxDOT MC safety month Kick-Off date and location TBD
- Mike Sconza – TLDR look for legislative bill coming this session to help improve instructor training
Adjourn (Maurice M.)
11:32 a.m. (CST)
- Maurice Maness
- Mike Gallaway
- Linda Baggett
- Joel Morris
- Keith Rovell
- Jim Steele
- James Hansen
- Raine Devries
- Woody Wells
- Dave Kelley
- RRMC Senior
- Melissa McKnight
- Mike Sconza
- Josh Kane
- Charles Herd
- Jude Schexnyder
- Emyli Speer
- Vicki SanFelipo
- Spitfire
- Nina Saint
- Kolby Musick
- Michael Kram
- Elizabeth Jones
- OB
- Cathy Brooks
- Mike Manser
- Laura Higgins
- Kim Sailor
- Courtney Hrncir
- Cody Stewart
- Jack Wenzel
- Ben Smith, TxAgriLife
- Allison Rounsavall, TxDOT
TMSC Coalition Members
Meeting Agenda: 2023-01-12-TMSC-Meeting-Agenda-Handout_POST.pdf
Meeting Minutes: 2023-01-12-TMSC-Meeting-Minutes_FINAL_POST.pdf
Meeting Handout: 2023-01-12-TMSC-Meeting-Handout_POST.pdf