- This event has passed.

Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Meeting
November 18, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am CST
Webex Conference Call
Texas A&M Transportation Institute Texas Department of Transportation No cost to attend
Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Meeting Agenda
Date: November 18, 2021
Time: 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (CST)
Location: Via Webex
10:00 – 10:05 AM Opening Remarks & Introductions (Chris B.)
10:05 – 10:10 AM Refresher on How to use WebEx (Mike)
10:10 – 10:15 AM Task Force Update
10:15 – 10:30 AM FY 22 Expectations & Planning
-Events planning
-Forum planning
-TMSC participation and growth (Who do you know?)
-Motorcycle Strategic Action Plan
10:30 – 10:45 AM Events Recommended to Attend
10:45 – 11:00 AM Forum date & Location Recommendations
11:00 – 11:15 AM Set TMSC Meeting Dates and Agenda Topics
11:15 – 11:25 AM Open Forum (open)
11:30 AM Adjourn
Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Meeting Minutes
Date: November 18, 2021
Time: 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (CDT)
Location: Via WebEx
To view the meeting recording with closed caption, please visit here.
Opening Remarks & Introduction (M. Manser)
Michael welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the grant year. We’re excited and have some fresh ideas. Mike requested everyone sign into the chat and name their favorite bike.
WebEx Refresher Overview (M. Manser)
Mike explained how to use the WebEx chat box to provide comments during the meeting and invited participants to contact the TTI team through the Contact Us page on LookLearnLive.org.
Task Force Update
Cathy Brooks gave a brief update on the upcoming Task Force Topic, Rider Impairment.
Topic Focus: Rider Impairment
- Develop strategies and materials to improve outreach and educational impact on the subject
- Deploy an informational survey to determine target behaviors, accepted outreach and educational countermeasures
- Pilot outreach and education strategies and materials
FY 22 Expectations & Planning (Cathy Brooks and Mike Manser)
Motorcycle Strategic Action Plan
Mike wanted to give an overview of what the motorcycle strategic action plan is and what we’re doing this year. The Motorcycle Strategic Action Plan sets our high-level vision of where we need to be and how we get there. The last one we did spans 2017—2021 and we update the plan every five years. The companion is the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s 5-Year Plan. While this isn’t something we do with riders, it helps guide funding and projects. It helps align goals and priorities. This year, Melissa Walden will help guide the document. Having Melissa involved will help us align what’s going on in motorcycle safety with the State Highway Safety Plan.
Events Planning (Cathy Brooks)
Cathy provided an overview of events we’ve attended so far this year. Westlake Car Show by request of the city of Westlake and an event that Laura Higgins and Maurice Maness attended Mid-South M.I.L.E.
Cathy requested thoughts on the events. Please let us know if there are any other events we may have missed on the list that might be good for us to attend.
We’re looking for some help for the December 5th Tri-County Toy Run. If we have someone in the area of the toy run, we can send materials to help support the event. Bruce, the chairman noted they are expecting 1,500 – 2,000 people. The motorcycle ride will start at the Frank Mayburn Convention Center, Temple and will run to Lampasas. 1,200 motorcycles are expected. There are 14 fire departments, all the police departments involved. This is the first time we’ve requested informational booths. Will probably donate around $40k. Mona Lisa will be at the event and there are some folks assigned to help her.
- 12/5/2021 Tri-County Toy Run of Central Texas (local volunteers?)
- 2/18-20/2022 Fort Worth Home & Garden Show
- 3/3-6/2022 Fulton Oysterfest
- 3/12-14/2022 11th LMC Truck Spring Lone Star Nationals
- 4/8-10/2022 Rio Grande Valley Home & Garden Show
- 4/22-24/2022 Poteet Strawberry Festival
- 5/25-27/2022 23rd Annual Corpus Christi Home & Garden Show
- June 2022 (TBD) Blueberry Festival
Forum Planning
Planning is happening for the forum. We’re thinking pre-May, an April date. We’re asking from you if you are you aware of conflicting events in April. What weekend would be the best? We really need to pick the date.
Bruce Raymond noted last Sunday in April is a “Do you See Me Now” – he will start that planning once Toy Run is complete.
With the Forum, we’re really looking at having a hybrid event this year, depending on COVID. Hybrid gives us the ability to have a wider to speakers from around the country. The hybrid approach is what we’re aiming for to allow for networking and get back to interacting in person and gives us an opportunity for a ride.
Do you have potential topics, speakers? We’ll be sharing a survey to help gather information that we’ve discussed today in the meeting.
Forum Date & Location Recommendations
Discussion on our location for the forum agreed that the Forum in Kerrville is preferred. Mid-April was the consensus for time frame; however, a survey may be shared with the TMSC to best determine the dates along with checking Texas Rides website for conflicts. We need to avoid the last Sunday in April. It was also discussed that we hold our 3rd Quarter TMSC meeting in tandem with the Forum, the day before.
TMSC Participation and Growth (Who do you know?)
Cathy outlined some of our current participants in the TMSC, however, we want to grow and have more involvement across a variety of audiences. We really want to grow and improve our coalition. Currently we’re looking at:
- Independent riders
- Rider coaches/trainers
- Rider groups/clubs
- Motorcycle dealers and trade organizations
- Law enforcement
- Medical/EMS community
- Transportation engineering
- Roadway engineering
- Judges/lawyers
- Insurance industry
- Rider education/training
- Transportation researchers
- Advocacy groups
- Transportation safety professionals
If you know anyone in these groups, please help us reach out. We want to have more involvement.
Set TMSC Meeting Dates and Agenda Topics
Our next quarterly meeting (2nd Quarter) will be Mid-Late January to confirm planning and ideas for the Forum. Then, we’ll have our 3rd Quarterly meeting will in tandem with the Texas Motorcycle Safety Forum. Then, our last meeting of the year will be held late July, early August before school starts.
Possible topics: EMS/emergency response, judicial/law enforcement, unlicensed riders, lane filtering/lane splitting, motorcycle laws in Texas, rider visibility/gear.
Open Discussion
Cathy asked for any updates, discussions topics. TDLR provided an update as of Sept 1 there were new rules that came out. Visit the TDLR website where you can see and view laws regarding the program. Sign up for the TDLR list-serve, news is sent out through there.
The meeting adjourned at 11:32 a.m.
Attendees (as shown on WebEx Participant List)
A total of 32 people attended by phone or WebEx. The following introduced themselves on WebEx chat or were listed by name on the WebEx platform:
- Cathy Brooks, TTI
- Laura Higgins, TTI
- Michael Manser, TTI
- Jack Wenzel, TTI
- Michelle Canton, TTI
- Christie Havemann, TTI
- Ronnie, TCOC&I
- Amy Jo Miller
- John Fawbert, Harley Davidson
- Kenneth Copeland, NHTSA *can’t be match
- Exzentrius, NHTSA *can’t be match
- Michael Strawn, TDL&R
- Keith Rovell
- James Hansen
- Maurice Maness
- Brian Evans
- Mike Sconza
- Joel Morris
- Charles Herd
- Jude Schexnyder
- Tiffany Cipoletti
- Chris Sharman
- Lora Dame
- Mona Lisa, TxDOT
- Chet Roby
- Mike Hudson
- Ray Pizarro
- Bruce Raymond
- Chris
- David Gonzales
- Phone participant
- Phone participant
Chat Transcript:
9:58 AM | from Maurice to everyone: | No objection |
9:59 AM | from Maurice to everyone: | Also to help capture info |
10:00 AM | from Mike Sconza to everyone: | Top of the morning to you, Sir! |
10:00 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | Hi Mike. Glad you could join us. |
10:03 AM | from Cathy Brooks (internal) to everyone: | Please “Sign In” with your name and association. |
10:03 AM | from Cathy Brooks (internal) to everyone: | Cathy Brooks, TTI |
10:03 AM | from Maurice to everyone: | Maurice Maness – not TxDot or TTI… 🙂 |
10:03 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | Amy Jo Miller |
10:03 AM | from Brian Evans to everyone: | Hello everyone. i am Brian Evans. |
10:04 AM | from Cathy Brooks (internal) to everyone: | Mike Manser, Triumph Street racer |
10:04 AM | from jfawbert to everyone: | John Fawbert Harley Davidson FLHTK |
10:04 AM | from Kenneth Copeland to everyone: | Kenneth Copeland, NHTSA, Can’t be match. 🙂 |
10:04 AM | from michael.strawn to everyone: | Michael Strawn – ZX10rr |
10:04 AM | from Laura Higgins (internal) to everyone: | Laura Higgins, TTI. Good morning, everyone! |
10:04 AM | from James Hansen to everyone: | Indian Scout …. waiting on Chief Dark Horse. |
10:04 AM | from Michelle Canton (internal) to everyone: | Michelle Canton, TTI — Good morning! |
10:05 AM | from Keith Rovell to everyone: | Keith Rovell – Kawasaki Concours |
10:05 AM | from Michelle Canton (internal) to everyone: | [email protected] |
10:05 AM | from Cathy Brooks (internal) to everyone: | [email protected] |
10:05 AM | from Maurice to everyone: | The “Connie” |
10:06 AM | from Mike Sconza to everyone: | Mike Sconza – StreetGlide |
10:08 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | The Chief Dark Horse will be a very cool ride. |
10:08 AM | from Joel Morris to everyone: | Cathy can you try and turn up your volume on your end? can barely hear ya on our end |
10:09 AM | from James Hansen to everyone: | I’ve been waiting for it since the end of May. |
10:10 AM | from James Hansen to everyone: | i cannot speak on this forum. I’m on a low bandwidth satellite link. |
10:12 AM | from Charles Herd to everyone: | Cathy: |
10:13 AM | from Charles Herd to everyone: | I am interested in joining the Task Force. Please email me at [email protected]. |
10:14 AM | from Charles Herd to everyone: | I am a motorcycle rider and motorcycle lawyer. Very interested in promoting safety! |
10:14 AM | from Cathy Brooks (internal) to everyone: | Welcome Charles. I will add you to the list. |
10:14 AM | from Cathy Brooks (internal) to everyone: | I remember you from the Rally. Thanks for coming today. |
10:17 AM | from Charles Herd to everyone: | Glad to be here! |
10:21 AM | from Charles Herd to everyone: | I ride a BMW F800 GS….. |
10:22 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | Are there any questions regarding the SAP that I can answer? |
10:23 AM | from James Hansen to everyone: | when is the new 5-year plan being composed and published? |
10:23 AM | from Laura Higgins (internal) to everyone: | Thanks to Maurice Maness for his game-show hosting at Mid-South M.I.L.E.! |
10:24 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | we are just starting to work on it now. It should be published in August/September. |
10:24 AM | from Jude Schexnyder to everyone: | Dr. Mike, will the primary focus in the SAP remain the same? Is impaired riding still our main issue? |
10:25 AM | from James Hansen to everyone: | is there an official stance on lane filtering as it pertains to mc safety? |
10:25 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | We would truly like to representation at the beginning of our Toy Run Dec 5th for many in the motorcycle community, Please? |
10:25 AM | from Tiffany Cipoletti to everyone: | How about the MotoGP race or Hand built Motorcycle Show in Austin? |
10:25 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | The current SAP can be found at: https://www.looklearnlive.org/resources/ There are some additional to that SAP at the same site. |
10:25 AM | from Mike Sconza to everyone: | Quarterly publication Ride Texas lists events in and around the state |
10:25 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | Lampasas |
10:27 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | We are looking into MotoGP…cost may be the biggest factor with that event. Thanks for the Hand built show tip…will look into that as well. |
10:27 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | I will get with you on all information. We are in Temple at Frank Mayborn center for about 4 hours prior. |
10:28 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | Yes, we can hear you |
10:29 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | Materials yes, please? |
10:30 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | Yes, we can hear you. Sorry about your system |
10:32 AM | from Jude Schexnyder to everyone: | Mid-April rather than May. |
10:32 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | April or May? |
10:32 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | What other big events are occurring in May? We want to avoid having the forum on those dates. |
10:32 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | And April. |
10:33 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | Good information. We need to avoid the last Sun in April |
10:35 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | We are aiming for a Saturday but would want to avoid having the Forum on a Sat that might conflict with a Sunday event. |
10:35 AM | from Jude Schexnyder to everyone: | Live or hybrid please. Most of us miss the fellowship. |
10:35 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | Hybrid would be a great try! |
10:35 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | Hi Jude. Our hope is for hybrid. |
10:35 AM | from Chris Sharman to everyone: | Look Twice for Motorcycles TxDOT campaign is tentatively set to launch May 2. |
10:35 AM | from Charles Herd to everyone: | Hybrid is good. |
10:36 AM | from Charles Herd to everyone: | I will need to attend most meetings virtually. |
10:36 AM | from Chris Sharman to everyone: | Click It or Ticket TxDOT campaign is tentatively scheduled to launch May 16 |
10:36 AM | from James Hansen to everyone: | I’m all for virtual or hybrid. that’s the only way I can attend these. |
10:37 AM | from Maurice to everyone: | And an “excuse” to ride to the meeting… 🙂 |
10:37 AM | from “Ronnie” TCOC&I Region 1 to everyone: | I’m for both virtual and hybrid |
10:38 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | Past topics have included training, impaired riding, how to connect with riders with safety messages. |
10:38 AM | from Maurice to everyone: | You can do it! |
10:38 AM | from Charles Herd to everyone: | Suggested topics: promoting Visibility, protective clothing, how to get cars to see mc riders |
10:39 AM | from Jude Schexnyder to everyone: | How about an update from TDLR on how the Motorcycle Safety Program is progressing. |
10:39 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | those are great topics. |
10:39 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | Yes, we will invite TDLR. They have been very gracious with attending and presenting. |
10:40 AM | from Maurice to everyone: | TDLR is here today… Thanks! |
10:40 AM | from Chris Sharman to everyone: | Successful interventions/best practices in other states/cities for impaired riding that could be piloted in Texas? |
10:40 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | Stop the Bleed is perfect. Coordinate with Medical and EMS in multiple areas. |
10:40 AM | from Jude Schexnyder to everyone: | Any updates from TXDOT on infrastructure improvements for motorcycle safety? |
10:40 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | That is a great idea Chris. We are looking at that now as part of the SAP development. |
10:41 AM | from “Ronnie” TCOC&I Region 1 to everyone: | An easier user-friendly website focused on all things motorcycle, licensing rider course |
10:41 AM | from Charles Herd to everyone: | Another topic: Training, voluntary or mandatory; ongoing training; on-street and off-road riding; recommended roads for riding in TX…….. |
10:41 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | Echoing Mona Lisa….we or TxDOT should connect with the TSSs to see what topics they would like to see. |
10:42 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | [email protected] |
10:43 AM | from Kenneth Copeland to everyone: | Would you continue to include me in mailings to [email protected] – Thanks |
10:43 AM | from Michelle Canton (internal) to everyone: | I see social media on this slide. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TexasMotorcycleSafety/ |
10:43 AM | from James Hansen to everyone: | new 5 year plan should also address autonomous vehicles and their ability to detect motorcycles. i know the AMA is concerned with this as well. |
10:43 AM | from Michelle Canton (internal) to everyone: | Twitter: https://twitter.com/looklearnlive |
10:44 AM | from Michelle Canton (internal) to everyone: | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/look_learn_live/ |
10:44 AM | from Michelle Canton (internal) to everyone: | YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/looklearnlive |
10:44 AM | from Michelle Canton (internal) to everyone: | Website: https://www.looklearnlive.org/ |
10:45 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | Providing information along with events that are during EMS/PD events, MC events, TxDPS, Driver’s training education. |
10:45 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | Hi James. TTI has a project with FHWA on autonomous vehicles and rider safety that we could present. |
10:46 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | most current vehicle-based technologies won’t detect motorcycles. |
10:46 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | We NEED to bring attention to negative/dangerous/irresponsible Motorcyclist activity |
10:46 AM | from “Ronnie” TCOC&I Region 1 to everyone: | Can we TMSC members join looklearnlive at events like the booth that was at the Lonestar rally? A familiar face from the local motorcycle community brings more to the booths. |
10:47 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | Yes, we welcome riders to join us at events |
10:47 AM | from “Ronnie” TCOC&I Region 1 to everyone: | Awesome! I would love to volunteer |
10:49 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | Videos can be found here: https://www.looklearnlive.org/resources/video/ |
10:50 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | Yes, this is perfect! |
10:50 AM | from Charles Herd to everyone: | Cathy: |
10:50 AM | from Michelle Canton (internal) to everyone: | ugh! Facebook: @TexasMotorcycleSafety |
10:50 AM | from Chris Sharman to everyone: | Look Twice materials can be found here: https://www.txdot.gov/inside-txdot/media-center/psas/motorcycles-bicycles/share-road.html |
10:51 AM | from James Hansen to everyone: | maybe TMSC should engage and collaborate with YouTube influencers such as Dan Dan the Fireman on safetty. Cross promote it. |
10:51 AM | from Michelle Canton (internal) to everyone: | Instagram: @look_learn_live |
10:51 AM | from Charles Herd to everyone: | I just emailed you about the Lone Star Rally for next year. Have some ideas for better publicity……. |
10:51 AM | from Michelle Canton (internal) to everyone: | Twitter: @LookLearnLive |
10:51 AM | from Jude Schexnyder to everyone: | Jan. 6th |
10:52 AM | from Keith Rovell to everyone: | January (later in month) |
10:52 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | Jan later in month |
10:52 AM | from Lora Dame to everyone: | January 20th |
10:52 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | Yes, we can do late January. |
10:53 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | Yes |
10:53 AM | from “Ronnie” TCOC&I Region 1 to everyone: | Yes |
10:53 AM | from Keith Rovell to everyone: | 20th is good |
10:54 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | Provides us more time to tie up ends and research/network |
10:54 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | Kerrville |
10:57 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | Great idea |
10:57 AM | from Jude Schexnyder to everyone: | I like the idea of combining both the TMSC meeting and forum on consecutive days. |
10:57 AM | from Maurice to everyone: | Hybrid – would let us that want to come and still let far away people join |
10:58 AM | from Keith Rovell to everyone: | Agree with Maurice |
10:58 AM | from Charles Herd to everyone: | I prefer to have both on Saturday. |
10:58 AM | from Jude Schexnyder to everyone: | Quite a ride for me so going for 2 days makes sense to me. |
10:59 AM | from “Ronnie” TCOC&I Region 1 to everyone: | Combine is perfect |
10:59 AM | from James Hansen to everyone: | and this would be Bryan / college station? |
10:59 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | agree |
10:59 AM | from Chris to everyone: | I would prefer 2 days |
10:59 AM | from Charles Herd to everyone: | If Hybrid, can be consecutive days. |
11:00 AM | from Mona Lisa to everyone: | Love that idea! |
11:00 AM | from Jude Schexnyder to everyone: | Maurice can organize the ride, but no one would be able to keep up. |
11:01 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | We can contact the motorcycle museum. |
11:01 AM | from Chris to everyone: | Except me ; ) |
11:01 AM | from Jude Schexnyder to everyone: | Except Chris. |
11:01 AM | from Chris to everyone: | And Jude |
11:03 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | Beginning August before school starts |
11:03 AM | from Chris to everyone: | Beginning August |
11:04 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | Any recommendations for speakers that TTI can contact to present at TMSC meetings? |
11:06 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | Bring medical/EMS |
11:07 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | Courts and LE, ye |
11:07 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | yes |
11:08 AM | from Maurice to everyone: | We need to get that changed anyway… 🙂 |
11:09 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | Is he teaching? |
11:09 AM | from Chris Sharman to everyone: | He was at U of Houston, Hobby School, but he left for another job. |
11:10 AM | from Jude Schexnyder to everyone: | Contact Chris Ward with TCOCI to see how their efforts with motorcycle profiling went this last session. |
11:10 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | Lone Star Motorcycle Museum |
11:13 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | Thank you! |
11:15 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/mot/mot.htm |
11:15 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | website? |
11:15 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | nevermind, sorry |
11:16 AM | from michael.strawn to everyone: | https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/TXDLR/subscriber/new link to sign up for updates as well |
11:17 AM | from “Ronnie” TCOC&I Region 1 to everyone: | Yes need a more user friendly website dedicated to all things motorcycle DPS site is overwhelming and not user friendly |
11:17 AM | from Maurice to everyone: | I would agree – traffic safety only |
11:18 AM | from Maurice to everyone: | Signing 101 – |
11:20 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | I agree! |
11:20 AM | from “Ronnie” TCOC&I Region 1 to everyone: | I can let you know |
11:20 AM | from Maurice to everyone: | Grass roots is the way to go – go to the motorcyclists |
11:21 AM | from “Ronnie” TCOC&I Region 1 to everyone: | What is your email address |
11:21 AM | from Chris to everyone: | [email protected] |
11:21 AM | from Maurice to everyone: | Call me Ken… |
11:21 AM | from James Hansen to everyone: | I’m 4 years away from retirement. would love to become an instructor then. |
11:21 AM | from Lora Dame to everyone: | It’s no longer the Confederation of Clubs, it’s the Council of Clubs and you need to talk to me if you want to speak at a meeting |
11:22 AM | from Maurice to everyone: | Instructors are supposed to go to TEEX – but the program is not up and running |
11:24 AM | from Cathy Brooks (internal) to everyone: | MSP100 – 72.00 Hours |
11:24 AM | from Maurice to everyone: | Possibly – Look twice Get trained – Help train someone – Become an instructor |
11:24 AM | from “Ronnie” TCOC&I Region 1 to everyone: | Chris Lora is my Chairman for TCOC&I Region 1, I’m TCOC&I region 1 motorcycle safety and awareness. I’ll send you a message and include Lora on that email. Lora is that ok with you? |
11:24 AM | from Charles Herd to everyone: | What is involved to become an instructor? |
11:24 AM | from Chris to everyone: | Absolutely |
11:25 AM | from Mike Sconza to everyone: | https://teex.org/class/msp100/ |
11:25 AM | from Lora Dame to everyone: | Sure! |
11:26 AM | from Charles Herd to everyone: | Thanks! |
11:26 AM | from ChetRoby1973 to everyone: | One may have personnel qualified to teach, but training the necessary potential RCs is the current challenge, per TDLR. |
11:26 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | That would be great! |
11:26 AM | from “Ronnie” TCOC&I Region 1 to everyone: | Cool…thx Lora! 🙂 |
11:31 AM | from Maurice to everyone: | Maybe ANOTHER reason we need to relook at the requirements and the way to become an instructor. OTHER States are not this difficult as was discussed under NHTSA’a review! |
11:31 AM | from ajo_6 to everyone: | I need to run jumper cables to family so I will watch later and email with y’all. |
11:31 AM | from Michael Manser (internal) to everyone: | Thanks for joining Amy |
11:32 AM | from Cathy Brooks (internal) to everyone: | Thank you Amy |
11:33 AM | from michael.strawn to everyone: | [email protected] if you all ever need anything MOT related |
11:34 AM | from michael.strawn to everyone: | or [email protected] |
11:35 AM | from Cathy Brooks (internal) to everyone: | [email protected] |
11:35 AM | from Cathy Brooks (internal) to everyone: | [email protected] |
Mike Manser
Meeting Minutes: 11.18.21_TMSC-Meeting-Notes_draft.pdf