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Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Meeting
March 11, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am CST
Webex Conference Call
Texas A&M Transportation Institute Texas Department of TransportationTexas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Meeting Agenda
Date: March 11, 2021
Time: 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (CDT)
Location: Via WebEx
10:00 – 10:05 AM Opening Remarks & Introductions (Chris B.)
10:05 – 10:10 AM Refresher on how to use Webex (Mike)
10:10 – 10:40 AM Task Force Activity Update (Chris S.)
Task Force Membership (Chris S.)
Task Force Legislative Update (Jude S.)
10:40 – 10:50 AM Forum Update, Forum Marketing (Mike/Cathy)
10:50 – 11:00 AM Invitation for Free Safety Presentations (Jude S.)
11:00 – 11:10 AM TMSC Meetings (12/3, 3/11, 6/24, 9/2) and Forum (Saturday, 5/1)
11:10 – 11:30ish AM Updates, Open Forum (open), Presentation meetings
11:35 AM Adjourn
Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Meeting Minutes
Date: March 11, 2021
Time: 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (CDT)
Location: Via WebEx
Opening Remarks & Introduction (C. Beireis & M. Manser)
Mike Manser and Chris Beireis welcomed everyone to the TMSC meeting. Approximately 53 people attended by WebEx or phone. An attendee list (as shown on the WebEx participant list or in the WebEx chat) and a chat transcript of the meeting are attached to these minutes.
WebEx Refresher (M. Manser)
Mike demonstrated how to use the WebEx chat box to provide comments during the meeting, and invited participants to contact TTI through the Contact Us page on LookLearnLive.org.
TMSC Task Force Activity Update
Chris Sharman presented the update for the TMSC Task Force activities since the last meeting. The Task Force has examined several different rider safety topics to pursue, including rider licensing, rider training, and impaired riding. They are initially focusing on impaired riding and identifying next steps to be pursued in developing an education and outreach program. The Task Force is also involved in planning the Texas Motorcycle Safety Forum, reviewing nominations for the Texas Motorcycle Safety Award, and other TMSC support. Mike Manser reminded the group that the Task Force is still looking for members to continue to help identify issues and provide input to agencies like TTI and TxDOT who can then do the work of implementing solutions.
TMSC Task Force Legislative Update
Jude Schexnyder provided an update from the Legislative Task Force. The Texas House and Senate have filed a large number of bills already this session. There are several that are motorcycle related:
- B.1837 – Motorcycle profiling bill – filed by Mary Gonzales of El Paso; prohibits profiling of motorcycle riders by law enforcement based on riding a motorcycle, wearing motorcycle apparel, or other reasons unrelated to behaviors.
- B. 1838 – (also filed by Gonzales) Disallows identification of an individual as a street gang member based solely on apparel/symbols worn.
- B. 2577 – filed by Kempel of Seguin; adds electric MC to the list of vehicles eligible for a $2500 electric vehicle incentive. However, $750 of that $2500 must be remitted to the State Comptroller for the highway fund.
- Bills filed by Dutton of Houston, Crockett of Dallas, Wu of Houston – relate to individuals with a limited motorcycle license; changes the age from under 17 to under 18 years of age, and prohibits use of wireless communication device while operating a motorcycle for riders in that
Forum Update/Marketing (M. Manser, C. Brooks)
Mike Manser told the group about this year’s Forum, which will occur online on the morning of May 1, 2021, 8:30 a.m. to noon. The Forum can be attended for free by logging in from your computer or phone. The Forum registration link will be open soon – it will be posted on LookLearnLive.org, and will also be sent out on the TMSC distribution list.
Sessions and speakers include:
- National update on motorcycle safety from LaCheryl Jones (NHTSA) and Yusuf Mohadmedshah (FHWA)
- Rider Behaviors that Increase Risk (Eva Shipp, TTI and Shane McLaughlin, VTTI)
- Increasing Training and Licensing (Sarah Buzzell, WisDOT and Marcie Perez, TTI)
- How You Can Help Reduce Rider Crashes through Effective Communication (Jack Wenzel, TTI and Chris Sharman, Sherry Matthews Group)
- How to Educate Motorists about Rider Safety (Nina Jo Saint, Driver’s Education; Lora Dane, Texas COC&I; and Ford Strawn, TDLR)
- How Can Clubs and Groups Improve Rider Safety (BACCA, Texas COC&I, other riding groups). We’re looking for more groups to participate, so contact Cathy Brooks at [email protected] if your group would like to participate!
- Awards
Mike asked the attendees to please share information about the Forum to their own networks and clubs so that we can reach as many riders as possible.
Invitation for Free Safety Presentations (J. Schexnyder)
Jude Schexnyder provided information on two motorcycle safety presentations that can be presented free of charge to motorcycle clubs or other gatherings/meetings. The TMSC-developed presentation, presented by Jude, includes data about motorcycle crashes and practical riding information to reduce crash risk (contact Cathy Brooks at c- [email protected]). The TxDOT-developed presentation, presented by Mona Lisa Didelot-Page, focuses on crash data, motorcycle gear information, hand signals that riders use to communicate on the road, and other things riders can do to improve their safety (contact Mona Lisa at [email protected]).
Upcoming Meeting and Forum Dates (M. Manser)
The TMSC Forum is on May 1, 2021. The next two TMSC meetings will be held on June 24 and September 3. For the time being, these meetings will remain virtual; as the COVID-19 pandemic becomes less of an issue, in-person or hybrid in-person/virtual meetings may resume.
Updates and Open Forum (C. Beireis)
Chris Sharman from Sherry Matthews mentioned that for the upcoming “Look Twice” outreach campaign, they will be looking for riders who have been in crashes with other vehicles to tell their stories. If you would like to share your story, contact Mark Evans at [email protected]
Mike Manser announced the creation of a Texas Motorcycle Safety Award. The Task Force has been developing this, and nominations are now open at the LLL web site (https://www.looklearnlive.org/safety-forum/awards/). You can self- nominate or nominate someone else, so start thinking of people and groups you know who go above and beyond for motorcycle safety!
TDLR – Mike Sconza shared that some rule updates are being worked on, but specifics are not available yet.
Mike Manser shared information about a new FHWA report, “Novel Highway Signs Study to Support Infrastructure- Based Motorcycle Crash Countermeasures – Phase II” (available at https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/safety/21010/21010.pdf).
Mona Lisa said that TxDOT is still on lockdown and not doing outreach activities, but that could change. Once they are able to do in-person outreach, TxDOT has a big inflatable motorcycle-shaped balloon that can be borrowed for events. Reach out to Mona Lisa ([email protected]) if you would like to use it for an event. She also has thousands of “Look Twice for Motorcycles” signs that she can ship to you if you want them.
For any new attendees, Mike provided a brief summary of the TMSC’s mission, which is to find ways to reduce the over 400 motorcycle fatalities in Texas each year through education and outreach.
Bruce Raymond (Do You See Me Now? Central Texas) announced an event (a ride from Killeen to Gatesville) on April 25. Contact Bruce [email protected] or 254-630-8469 if you’re interested in the event or in starting a DYSMN chapter in your area. He also mentioned reports of difficulties that riders are having with paint stripe removal where pavement is being removed along with the stripe. Mona Lisa asked Bruce to email her and she will contact the engineers in that area.
The meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.
Attendees (as shown on WebEx Participant List)
A total of 53 people attended by phone or WebEx. The following introduced themselves on WebEx chat or were listed by name on the WebEx platform:
- Laura Higgins, TTI
- Cathy Brooks, TTI
- Michael Manser, TTI
- Jack Wenzel, TTI
- Christie Havemann-TTI
- Nina Saint
- Keith Rovell
- Irene Webster, TSS – TxDOT, Atlanta District
- David Canada (Motorcycle Grand Tour of Texas)
- Amy Jo Miller “DYSMN?” in Central Texas, survivor of hit/run mc accident and safety advocate
- Jude Schexnyder, AMA Texas Volunteer Coordinator and TDLR Motorcycle Safety Advisory Board Rider
- Elisa Smetana, Ben LaBorde, Jennifer Joynes – Abilene MPO
- “Spitfire” Ronnie Nippert, TCOC&I Region 1
- Kenneth Copeland NHTSA
- Joel Morris San Jacinto Harley and Stubbs Harley Davidson, ram , Houston, tx
- Good Morning all, Woody here Region 1 SnA
- Jeff Alford – Total Rider, Austin TX and TDLR Motorcyle advisory board
- Glen Pugh- Rider coach and District Representative for State Senator Dawn
- Kelly Howard Houston
- James Hansen – general public / interested rider
- Bruce Raymond
- Mona Lisa Didelot-Page, TxDOT
- Patrick Ylen
- Tom and Dawn Sprague
- Sue Lee Flores
- Chet Roby
- Chris Sharman, Sherry Matthews Group
- Virginia Galindo
- Joe
- Sal Carmona
- Jill Christie
- Norman George
- Dhyam Santos
- Christian
- Peter
- Mitchelle
- Paolo Ferrer
- Robert Cuevas
- Jobert Kanjie
- Elmer Joseph
- Emaruth
TMSC Meeting Chat Transcript
The following comments from the chat have been edited to eliminate those that had to do with momentary technical difficulties, etc. and to place them within the context of the meeting segment they refer to.
from Laura Higgins (internal) to everyone: 10:00 AM
Hi, all! Mike will likely mention this as well, but please go ahead and introduce yourself in the chat window! from Laura Higgins (internal) to everyone: 10:01 AM
Laura Higgins, TTI
from Cathy Brooks (internal) to everyone: 10:01 AM Cathy Brooks, TTI
from Nina Saint to everyone: 10:01 AM Nina Saint
from Keith Rovell to everyone: 10:01 AM Keith Rovell
from Irene Webster to everyone: 10:01 AM Irene Webster, TSS – TxDOT, Atlanta District from David Canada to everyone: 10:01 AM David Canada (Motorcycle Grand Tour of Texas) from REDD to everyone: 10:02 AM
from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:02 AM
Amy Jo Miller “DYSMN?” in Central Texas, survivor of hit/run mc accident and safety advocate from Jude Schexnyder to everyone: 10:02 AM
Good morning all. Jude Schexnyder, AMA Texas Volunteer Coordinator and TDLR Motorcycle Safety Advisory Board Rider representative.
from Abilene MPO to everyone: 10:02 AM
Elisa Smetana, Ben LaBorde, Jennifer Joynes – Abilene MPO from “Ronnie” TCOC&I Region 1 to everyone: 10:03 AM Spitfire TCOC&I Region 1
from Kenneth Copeland to everyone: 10:03 AM Kenneth Copelande NHTSA
from User to everyone: 10:03 AM
joel morrid san jacinto harley and stubbs harley davidson, ram , houston, tx from Chris Sharman to everyone: 10:03 AM
Chris Sharman, Sherry Matthews Group
from “Ronnie” TCOC&I Region 1 to everyone: 10:11 AM
I’m not sure what my signing shows but just wanted to say Hi I’m Spitfire with TCOC&I Region 1 motorcycle safety and Awareness
from Woody Wells Region 1 SnA to everyone: 10:12 AM Good Morning all, Woody here Region 1 SnA
from Jeff Alford to everyone: 10:13 AM
Jeff Alford – Total Rider, Austin TX and TDLR Motorcyle advisory board member. from Christie Havemann (internal) to everyone: 10:13 AM
Christie Havemann-TTI
from Cathy Brooks (internal) to everyone: 10:17 AM Dr. Mike([email protected])
TMSC Task Force Legislative Update
from Mona Lisa Didelot-Page to everyone: 10:21 AM What was that bill #
from Mona Lisa Didelot-Page to everyone: 10:21 AM thank you
from Laura Higgins (internal) to everyone: 10:22 AM
H.B. 1837, I believe.
from Cathy Brooks (internal) to everyone: 10:23 AM correct.
from Laura Higgins (internal) to everyone: 10:27 AM
Jude, what was the number of the second bill you discussed?
from drbump to everyone: 10:27 AM
from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:27 AM HB#1838
from Mike Sconza to everyone: 10:28 AM
Not sure everyone saw but Montana just passed “lane filtering” bill from James H to everyone: 10:48 AM
Good for Montana. No lane filtering bill submitted for Texas this year?
Forum Update/Marketing
from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:35 AM
Can anyone help with providing to Session 3B? from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:36 AM
Thank you!
from Cathy Brooks (internal) to everyone: 10:37 AM
Please contact Cathy for the Session 3B interested presenters. [email protected]
from Kenneth Copeland to everyone: 10:38 AM
Chrisitain Motorcyclist Ass. is well organized and large in Texas from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:38 AM
Do You See Me Now? MCSaftey
from drbump to everyone: 10:38 AM Amen
from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:38 AM In Central Texas
from David Canada to everyone: 10:38 AM
I will publicize it on my tour newsletter. There are over 1,200 riders on this year’s tour.
Invitation for Free Safety Presentations
from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:42 AM Absolutely Jude!
If interested in the presentation, email [email protected] from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:44 AM
Great point for education efforts to everyone on road Mona Lisa! from Mona Lisa Didelot-Page to everyone: 10:45 AM
Motorcycle Safety Presentation contact me at: [email protected]
from Christie Havemann (internal) to everyone: 10:48 AM June 24 & September 2
from Christie Havemann (internal) to everyone: 10:49 AM Are the next two Coalition Meetings – Starting at 10:00 am
Updates/Open Discussion
from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:45 AM Would love to collaborate if possible! from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:45 AM TY
from James H to everyone: 10:50 AM
I had someone pull out in front of me from the left just this past weekend. i have the NSFW video. from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:50 AM
These apply for all riders?
from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:50 AM YES, I’m in!
from Cathy Brooks (internal) to everyone: 10:51 AM Contact: Mark Evans ([email protected])
from Cathy Brooks (internal) to everyone: 10:51 AM Contact: Mark Evans ([email protected]) from Mike Sconza to everyone: 10:52 AM
AND we get to ride to College Station! 🙂
from Cathy Brooks (internal) to everyone: 10:52 AM What about a hybrid?
from User to everyone: 10:52 AM in person when we can
from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:52 AM In person yes!
from James H to everyone: 10:53 AM
as long as you provide a way for the general public to participate remotely… from Jude Schexnyder to everyone: 10:53 AM
I’d rather gather. It’s great to see everyone again. from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:53 AM
from Glen to everyone: 10:54 AM in person!
from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:54 AM
Could we have Look Twice PPE masks provided for meeting attendees?! from REDD to everyone: 10:54 AM
Would get more attendees if we do both from Glen to everyone: 10:55 AM
both is definitely better to get more participation from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:55 AM
from Cathy Brooks (internal) to everyone: 10:56 AM https://www.looklearnlive.org/safety-forum/awards/ from REDD to everyone: 10:57 AM
Who is eligible to vote?
from REDD to everyone: 10:58 AM Who can nominate?
from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:59 AM
Will there be specific qualifications for this listed? from ajo_6 to everyone: 10:59 AM
from Mona Lisa Didelot-Page to everyone: 11:00 AM
I’m on the award page but I don’t see a link to the application? from Cathy Brooks (internal) to everyone: 11:00 AM
from Mona Lisa Didelot-Page to everyone: 11:00 AM my bad
from Cathy Brooks (internal) to everyone: 11:07 AM
TDLR Sign up for Email notifications for Motorcycle Saftey Program updates and meeting schedules. https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/mot/mot.htm
from ajo_6 to everyone: 11:07 AM This is perfect Mona Lisa
from ajo_6 to everyone: 11:11 AM
Even when more than one MV hits you right?!
from Mona Lisa Didelot-Page to everyone: 11:11 AM Send me an email David
from James H to everyone: 11:13 AM
i think they use sand blasting which makes a rut. from Cathy Brooks (internal) to everyone: 11:14 AM
Last Sunday in April, “Do You See Me Now” ride from Killeen. Bruce Raymond: 254-360-8469, from drbump to everyone: 11:14 AM
It is milled in texture
from ajo_6 to everyone: 11:14 AM And Ft Hood
from drbump to everyone: 11:15 AM rumble strip
from Kelly Howard to everyone: 11:16 AM Kelly Howard Houston
from ajo_6 to everyone: 11:16 AM YES!
from ajo_6 to everyone: 11:17 AM Ditto
from “Ronnie” TCOC&I Region 1 to everyone: 11:18 AM Thank you! From TCOC&I Region 1
from drbump to everyone: 11:18 AM
Mike Manser
Meeting Minutes: TMSC-Meeting-Minutes-March-11-2021.pdf
Agenda: TMSC-March-11-2021-Agenda.pdf