Past Winners

2023 Texas Motorcycle Champion Award Winner – Chris Litfin

Award recipient Chris Litfin (left) shaking hands and posing with his award with TMSC Chair Maurice Maness (right).

The 2023 Champion Award winner is also in the motorcycle safety training world. In addition to owning and managing 16 training sites, offering 6 different courses, and approximately 4-dozen coaches, they also are the licensed instructor member of the Texas Motorcycle Safety Advisory Board where their business sense and maturity are welcome, especially at times when things get a bit heated. They have been a vocal advocate for the training community, working to change the structure of instructor training in Texas, and have been a consistent positive voice for providers and students alike.   

The 2023 Texas Motorcycle Safety Champion Award for outstanding leadership to improve motorcycle safety is presented to Chris Litfin!

2023 Texas Motorcycle Safety Difference Maker Award Winner – Kevin Morris

Award recipient Kevin Morris (left) shaking hands and posing with his award with TMSC Chair Maurice Maness (right).

The 2023 Difference Maker Award winner is a professional motorcycle instructor in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area who frequently interacts with new and experienced riders and recognized that many riders develop bad habits so he decided to do what he could to help. He created free online motorcycle classes with the goal of helping the motorcycle community get better at their craft. He is a one-man band, on air talent, camera man, editor, marketing, graphic artist, web developer and SEO specialist.

The 2023 Motorcycle Safety Difference Maker Award for notable achievements in improving motorcycle safety is presented to MCrider – Kevin Morris!

2022 Texas Motorcycle Champion Award WinnerKeith Rovell

This year’s Motorcycle Safety Champion has impacted an innumerable number of riders, instructors and safety providers to date and their work will continue to do so for many years. They have been actively involved in motorcycle safety for over 20 years. A motorcycle instructor in multiple curriculums and runs a highly successful motorcycle training facility. They have always been open to exploring various motorcycle safety curriculums to determine firsthand which of those offerings is most effective. Additionally, they have offered their facility to help train prospective motorcycle safety instructors to help address the serious shortfall currently existing in Texas.

Other accomplishments to help spread safety awareness include simplifying a talking point bulletin for non-riders to read to Currently, they serve as the first Chairman of the TDLR Motorcycle Safety Advisory Board (MSAB). In this capacity their leadership has driven the Board in general, and its various task groups, to look deeply into the challenges within the motorcycle safety instructor community. They have utilized much of their personal time to gather as much data and information as possible to help make accurate decisions on issues. This has driven both TDLR staff and the MSAB toward meaningful improvements in the Texas Motorcycle Safety Program. A quote from the nomination: “In all my years involved in motorcycle safety in this state, I have not met an individual more forthright and driven toward the improvement of this program.”

We present the 2022 Texas Motorcycle Safety Champion Award to Keith Rovell!

2022 Texas Motorcycle Safety Difference Maker Award Winner – Joel morris

This year’s Motorcycle Safety Difference Maker is passionate and dedicated to improving motorcycle safety in the state of Texas. A life-long rider with over 45 years in the motorcycle industry, they moved into managing flailing motorcycle training programs and, in the past 3+ years, turned them into successful programs where they personally visit every class and reach out to every student. To increase the number of desperately needed new instructors, they have hosted motorcycle safety instructor training classes. They have expanded outreach through multiple social media pages, where they share videos from classes, share safety tips, and much more. As well as hosting Accident Scene Management classes for instructors and the community at large. They actively participate in Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition meetings and recently joined the Coalition Task Force.

We present the 2022 Texas Motorcycle Safety Difference Maker Award to Joel Morris!

Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Chair 2016-2022 – Chris Beireis

The TMSC was initiated in 2008 as a mechanism by which key multidisciplinary motorcycle safety stakeholders could meet to discuss and then conduct activities to reduce rider fatalities and serious injuries resulting from crashes involving motorcycles in Texas.

The TMSC Chair serves as the organizational leader and works with the TxDOT grant manager and TTI grantee manager to identify meeting agendas, meeting day and times, and coordination needed for the operation of the Coalition. In addition, they facilitate each Coalition meeting and annual forum.

The TMSC Charter, updated in 2020, states the Chair will serve a single term of two (2) fiscal years with the option to serve one additional term of two (2) fiscal years. Our current Chair has exceeded those expectations and served an additional 2-year term.

In grateful appreciation for years of outstanding service and devotion, we present this plaque to Chris Beireis!


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(Image property of PhotoBubba)

Shelley “REDD” Holmes has been involved with Texas Council of Clubs and Independents (TCOCI) motorcycle safety and awareness since 2008. TCOCI has twelve regions across Texas. In addition to her own Region 1, Shelley has assisted other TCOCI regions to set up safety and awareness programs. These programs help non-riders to learn how to safely share the roads with motorcycles to reduce crashes and deaths. Their members work with local mayors, city councils, and the Governor of Texas to receive proclamations for recognizing May as national Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month. Organized visits to the capital are made each legislative year to engage with our state representatives about bills pertaining to motorcycles.

Other accomplishments to help spread safety awareness include simplifying a talking point bulletin for non-riders to read to educate them on safely sharing the road. Working with local cities to install permanent “Share the Road” signs within the city’s limits. Coordinating the distribution of free TxDOT “Share the Road” yard signs, bumper stickers, and pamphlets at bike nights, regional TCOCI and state rallies. Submitting several articles to local newspapers and social media. Continually coming up with new ideas to help educate the public and save lives. At one meeting she had a few dozen people walking around at a chili cook off at a Harley Davidson dealership wearing signs around them that said things like “I was killed at an intersection because the driver didn’t see me”, “I was rear ended by a car that failed to stop at a stop sign”, etc. She has collected comments from social media to show a lack of sympathy regarding bikers.

As a longtime member of the Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition, Shelley attends the quarterly meetings and reports back information to the TCOCI regions. Most recently, she volunteered to be a part of the newly formed TMSC Task Force. Please join the TMSC in congratulating Shelley “Redd” Holmes as the 2021 Motorcycle Safety Champion Award recipient.

2021 TEXAS MOTORCYCLE Safety difference maker award winner – jude schexnyder

Jude Schexnyder - 2021 Texas Motorcycle Safety Difference Maker Award Winner

Jude Schexnyder has been an avid motorcycle rider for nearly 50 years. He is a retired Texas DPS officer and has been actively involved in motorcycle safety training and motorcycle legislative issues in Texas for many years.  He was instrumental in establishing the Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition (TMSC) and served at the first Chairman of that organization for five years. Currently he serves on the TMSC Task Force as the Legislative Representative.

Jude spent over 12 years as an MSF RiderCoach. He was a pioneer in helping bring Total Control curricula to Texas as a Total Control Instructor. He owned a motorcycle safety training company providing basic, intermediate, and advanced courses.

More recently, Jude worked as the Motorcycle Safety Program Manager for the Texas Department of Transportation where he developed a rider safety presentation he describes as rider survival tips. A variation of which is he currently facilitates for groups and events for the Texas A&M Transportation Institute.

He currently serves as the Texas Chapter Volunteer Coordinator for the American Motorcyclist Association. He is the rider representative on the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) Advisory Board. Additionally, he is a contributing writer for Ride Texas magazine on articles concerning motorcycle safety in this state.

Jude rides a BMW, rain or shine. He is a readily observed speaker and source of information the motorcycling community trusts and can depend on. An all-around great guy. Thank you for your dedication.