Get Involved with the Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition

Texas Motorcycle Safety CoalitionMission Statement

The goal of the TMSC is to reduce the number of crashes involving motorcycles and deaths and injuries resulting from these crashes.

The Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition (TMSC) serves as a public forum for addressing strategies to improve motorcycle safety; discusses effective programs, regulations, and other opportunities to improve motorcycle safety; reviews, proposes, and makes recommendations concerning motorcycle-related legislation; and serves to promote rider safety and inform the public about being aware of motorcycles and sharing the road safely.

About TMSC

  • Established in December 2008 by individuals interested in forming a motorcycle safety working group that would collectively identify action steps to reduce the number of motorcycle crashes, deaths, and injuries on Texas roadways.
  • TMSC Board coordinates initiatives and strategic planning for the coalition.
  • TMSC standing committees include Safety Awareness, Education, Legislative, Roadway Engineering and Design, Research, Nominations, Resolutions, and Policies and Bylaws.
  • TMSC works collaboratively with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI), National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Texas Motorcycle RoadRiders Association (TMRA), Texas Motorcycle Rights Association (TMRA2), Texas Confederation of Clubs and Independents (TxCOC&I), and other motorcycle safety stakeholders.


  • TMSC members comprised the majority of the working group that mediated the requirements of Senate Bill 1967, an omnibus motorcycle safety bill passed in the 81st Legislative session.
  • TMSC introduced “I Ride for Tomorrow,” a biker’s pledge to “ride responsibility, ride sober, ride smart, and ride safe.”
  • TMSC hosts an annual Texas Motorcycle Safety Forum to bring together safety advocates to discuss current motorcycle safety issues, share information about ongoing activities, and identify strategies and opportunities for improving motorcycle safety.
  • TMSC members participate in promoting motorcyclist safety and motorist awareness at outreach events throughout the state.