LookLearnLive.org has released a new set of public service announcements (PSAs) focused on encouraging motorcyclists to stay aware and educate themselves on motorcycle safety.
The first PSA, “Take Two for Texas,” advises motorcyclists to take a moment to check over their vehicle and themselves before riding. The video reminds riders to be aware of factors that may impair their driving abilities like alcohol or too little sleep. By taking two seconds, the PSA says, a motorcyclist can save a life.
The other videos focus on safety courses and the benefits that these courses provide. With the slogan “Take the time, take the course, take the road,” LookLearnLive.org spreads the word about safety courses that can promote safer riding practices.
One of the PSAs is called “You Wouldn’t” which uses examples to remind drivers that people cannot succeed at a new activity without practice. An example in the PSA is that a person wouldn’t try to fly an airplane without going through a training program first. Motorcyclists should practice similar habits by attending motorcycle safety courses before they go out onto the road.
Motorcycle safety is an important part of the transportation system. Through various tools such as PSAs, LookLearnLive.org and TxDOT spread awareness about ways motorcyclists can stay safe and alert as they take the road.