- This event has passed.
Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Meeting
January 20, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am CST
Microsoft Teams
Texas A&M Transportation Institute Texas Department of Transportation No cost to attendTexas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Meeting Agenda
Date: January 20, 2021
Time: 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (CST)
Location: Microsoft (MS) Teams
10:00 – 10:05 AM Opening Remarks & Introductions (Chris B.)
10:05 – 10:10 AM How to use MS Teams (Mike)
10:10 – 10:20 AM Crash Data Overview 2015-2020 (Cathy)
10:20 – 10:40 AM TDLR Report (Michael “Ford” Strawn)
10:40 – 11:00 AM Forum Topics and Speakers (Cathy/Mike)
11:00 – 11:20 AM SAP/NHTSA (Mike)
11:20 – 11:25 AM TMSC & Task Force Chair (Mike)
-Motorcycle Safety Award Nominations Open
11:25 – 11:30 AM Open Forum
11:30 AM Adjourn
Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Meeting Minutes
Date: January 20, 2022
Time: 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (CST)
Location: Microsoft Teams (virtual)
To view the meeting recording with closed caption, please click here.
Opening Remarks & Introductions (Michael)
Dr. Michael “Mike” Manser started the meeting and welcomed and thanked everyone for taking the time to join the Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition meeting today.
How to use MS Teams (Michael)
Mike then went over how to use MS Teams for our meeting since previous virtual meetings had been hosted via WebEx.
Crash Data Overview 2015-2020 (Cathy)
Cathy Brooks presented an overview of crash data from 2020 (Source: TxDOT CRIS Data pulled on 11/29/2021). Below are the 2020 statistics shared. Also found in the presentation from the meeting are injury data from 2015 – 2020.
- 12% (482) of the traffic fatalities were motorcycle riders
- 29% (2,339) of the motorcyclist involved in a crash suffered a fatality or suspected serious injury
- 1% (6,699) of the occupants of a 2 or 4 door passenger vehicle suffered a fatality or suspected serious injury
- 31% (151) of the motorcyclist fatalities were an impaired rider
- The average BAC for the fatal impaired motorcycle operators, with a BAC greater than zero, was 16.
- 22% (520) of the suspected serious injury or fatal motorcycle injuries were speeding related
- 32% (156) of rider fatalities were related to speeding
- 50% (241) of rider fatalities were involved in a single vehicle crash
- 51% (123) of the single vehicle motorcycle rider fatalities occurred in a rural area
- 31% (149) of the motorcycle rider fatalities were at intersections
- 66% (98) of the intersection related motorcycle rider fatalities occurred in urban areas
Mike indicated if there are any requests for data that we can look into something a little deeper and report back to this group. Please do let us know.
You can either email us at [email protected] or [email protected].
TDLR Report (Michael “Ford” Strawn)
Mike introduced Michael “Ford” Strawn with Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. Ford is the senior manager for the Education Examination Division and was there to give an update.
- TDLR will have a new executive director, starting February 1st. Brian Francis is retiring and Michael Arismendez is now taking over. Michael is very focused on TDLR being more efficient and serving Texans the best that we can. He’s going to come in with some renewed vigor and we’re excited to see what that change brings to us.
- TDLR has a new emailing system that is a web contact form with dropdown menus to enter information, and you can provide any attachments. This format will provide data and analytics on your questions and requested topics to help TDLR improve the website. Anticipated improvements include online license renewals, checks, and reprinting.
- The range approval process has been streamlined in response to feedback from instructors, to reduce the number of steps and the total wait time. Under the new process, instructors complete a range approval request with the curriculum provider, and the completed request is then sent to TDLR for a final review.
- TDLR motorcycle course audits have changed to reflect the updated laws regarding training. Details regarding the updated audit process are provided in a document on the TDLR website. Audits are also an opportunity for you to ask questions and learn about the resources available to you on the website. A survey will soon be sent out to people who have recently completed an audit, to obtain your feedback for the purpose of improving that process further.
- Please sign up for TDLR’s listserv to make sure that you all are aware of updates and changes, including some recent clarifications to the rules.
- TDLR has been talks with TEEX Texas Engineering Extension Service about their recommitment to providing instructor training classes. An agreement is in process and TDLR hopes to announce instruction preparation classes on the listserv and website soon.
- Manser and his team at TTI have been working on a project for TDLR about Instructor recruitment and retention. Information from the results of that project should be coming to you all soon.
Forum Topics and Speakers (Cathy / Mike)
2022 Motorcycle Safety Forum Planning. We are planning to have the forum live with an option to record as well as Virtual components.
Save the date: Forum will be held on April 9, 2022 – YO Ranch, Kerrville, TX.
This is a tentative schedule and ideas that we have put together based on the input from everybody who registered for last year’s forum. Please give us feedback on topics and suggest potential speakers/panel members. Contact Cathy at [email protected].
Motorcycle Strategic Action Plan Review (Mike)
Mike Manser provided background on the Texas Motorcycle Strategic Action Plan and how that is developed. This document is spearheaded by TTI but developed with input from our motorcycle community in Texas and feeds into the five-year motorcycle safety plan. It’s a guide that everyone can look to and can be used as a resource to better understand what our safety issues and where efforts should go to improve motorcycle safety in Texas. We’re at the beginning of putting together the Strategic Action Plan for 2022 and five years beyond that with the safety plan. This is just the very first opportunity to get involved and provide thoughts, input, volunteer, etc. There will be more opportunities as the year progresses and at the next TMSC meeting. Further details can be found in the meeting PowerPoint and recording.
TMSC & Task Force Chair Nominations (Mike)
Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition nominations for the TMSC Chair and Task Force Chair are open.
TMSC Chair Nomination
As part of the TMSC bylaws, it’s time to nominate a new TMSC chairperson. We want to thank Chris Beireis, who has served in that role since 2014, for his awesome job and effort that he’s put in. This is a call for nominations that will be collected by the TMSC meeting April 8th and more formally acknowledged at the Forum April 9th.
Duties of TMSC Chair:
- Prepare meeting agendas
- Meeting day and times
- Logistics needed for the operation of the TMSC
- Facilitate each TMSC coalition meeting
Nominations are due by April 8. You can visit the looklearnlive.org website and nominate someone through the “contact us” or send an email to Cathy Brooks at [email protected] with your nomination and why you or they would be good for the job. Vote will be held at the August 11th TMSC meeting.
Task Force Chair Nominations
Cathy presented the nomination process for Task Force Chair. We’d like that body to be more active. Nominations due by April 1st and will be announced at the April 9th Motorcycle Safety Forum.
Duties of Task Force Chair
- Schedule and preside at meetings of the TF.
- Interface with the Co-Facilitators and the TMSC Chair to provide guidance to the TMSC Members and TF Members.
- Attend and “report out” to the TMSC Members at Coalition meetings.
Motorcycle Safety Award Nominations are Open
The Texas Motorcycle Safety Award nominations are open today. Please submit your nominations via this online form here.
- Nominations Open TODAY
- Survey closes February 28th
- Review & Selection in March
- Presentation April 9th at the Motorcycle Safety Forum
Reducing Impaired Riding by Engaging Stakeholders (Laura)
Laura discussed the Impaired Riding Survey that is in process. We’re looking for stakeholders to participate. What are some of our stakeholders already doing to raise awareness about impaired riding and possibly be providing to help prevent impaired riding. We’re in the information gathering process now. We’re trying to figure out what is already being done and what might be considered (like a Toolkit list) to prevent impaired riding in Texas.
Please contact Laura if you have any questions or comments at [email protected].
Reducing Impaired Riding by Involving Motorcycle Stakeholders – participate in the survey, link here.
Sherry Matthews looking for crash stories (Mark Evans)
Cathy introduced Mark Evans with Sherry Matthews Group and he works on the Look Twice for Motorcycles campaign. “We’re starting work for events we’ll be working on in May. We’re looking for riders who have been in a crash or who have lost someone in a crash to help tell stories for May, Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.” Please contact Mark at [email protected] and share your story.
Mike shared that this is a really great way to share experiences of riding and the Look Twice campaign is on of the most visible campaigns. This is great way to support that campaign and a wonderful opportunity to get involved on educating riders and motorists.
Meeting adjourned at 11:30.
Attendees (as shown on Teams Participant List)
A total of 39 people attended by phone or Teams.
1. Ben W. Smith |
2. Brandy “CHiPs” Fuller (Guest) |
3. Charles Herd |
4. chris Beireis (Guest) |
5. Craig Wuensche |
6. David Canada (Guest) |
7. David Crommelin (Guest) |
8. David Y (Guest) |
9. Dr. David Jones DD (Guest) |
10. Frank Zepponi (Guest) |
11. Gabe Cavazos |
12. Gina Galindo |
13. Glen Pugh (Guest) |
14. James Hansen (Guest) |
15. Jeff Alford (Guest) |
16. Jeremy McDonald |
17. Joel Morris (+2 particiapants) |
18. Joel Morris, additional person in the room |
19. Joel Morris, additional person in the room |
20. John Fawbert |
21. Jolie Person |
22. Josh Kane (Guest) |
23. Jude Schexnyder |
24. Keith Rovell (Guest) |
25. Kram, Michael |
26. Lauren Secular |
27. Mark Evans, Sherry Matthews Group (Guest) |
28. Maurice (Guest) |
29. Michael Strawn (TDLR) |
30. Mike Ezzell |
31. Mike Valentin (Guest) |
32. Nina Saint |
33. OB (Guest) |
34. Raine Devries (Guest) |
35. Redd (Guest) |
36. Rig Riders MC-Senior (Guest) |
37. Sedrick Montgomery |
38. Spitfire’s computer (Guest) |
39. Sturdivant, Exzentrius (NHTSA) |
40. TTI, Brooks, Cathy |
41. TTI, Canton, Michelle |
42. TTI, Havemann, Christie |
43. TTI, Higgins, Laura |
44. TTI, Manser, Michael |
45. TTI, Wenzel, Jack |
Chat transcript
[1/20/2022 9:22 AM]
1/20/2022 9:22 AM Meeting started
[1/20/2022 9:57 AM] Brandy “CHiPs” Fuller (Guest)
Hello, this is CHiPs. I don’t think my mic is working on this and I don’t have a webcam. Good morning.
[1/20/2022 9:57 AM] Higgins, Laura
Good morning, CHiPs!
[1/20/2022 9:58 AM] Brooks, Cathy
CHiPs, you can hear okay?
[1/20/2022 9:59 AM] Brandy “CHiPs” Fuller (Guest)
Yes I can hear
[1/20/2022 10:01 AM] Brandy “CHiPs” Fuller (Guest)
38 degrees in Conroe and dropping
surprised 1
[1/20/2022 10:02 AM] Maurice (Guest)
none here
[1/20/2022 10:03 AM] Michael Strawn
good morning everyone
[1/20/2022 10:03 AM] Higgins, Laura
Good morning!
[1/20/2022 10:05 AM] Spitfire’s computer (Guest)
Vicki Sanfelipo AKA Spitfire – 5 degrees in Milwaukee! Hi CHiPs!
[1/20/2022 10:06 AM] Raine Devries (Guest)
Hello from Dallas!
[1/20/2022 10:06 AM] Spitfire’s computer (Guest)
[1/20/2022 10:06 AM] Raine Devries (Guest)
Big hugs!
[1/20/2022 10:06 AM] Brandy “CHiPs” Fuller (Guest)
Hello Vicki, nice to see you
[1/20/2022 10:06 AM] Raine Devries (Guest)
We are a balmy 25 here so I think you’ve got the cold record for today.
[1/20/2022 10:07 AM] Spitfire’s computer (Guest)
Looking forward to learning from all ya all
[1/20/2022 10:08 AM] Gabe Cavazos
CRIS is such a fantastic tool!
[1/20/2022 10:08 AM] Charles Herd
Will this PowerPoint be available to review later?
[1/20/2022 10:08 AM] Higgins, Laura
Hi, Charles! Yes, we’ll make the powerpoint available on LookLearnLive.org!
[1/20/2022 10:09 AM] Manser, Michael
CRIS is Crash Records Information System and it aggregates and hold all reportable crash data in Texas. So, if officer fills out a crash report, it is stored in CRIS
[1/20/2022 10:09 AM] Manser, Michael
Yes, we will have the presentation posted on looklearnlive.org
[1/20/2022 10:10 AM] Gabe Cavazos
I’ve used CRIS data for years now, the DoT makes it very easy to grab all this data.
[1/20/2022 10:11 AM] Manser, Michael
I agree Gabe, CRIS is very helpful.
[1/20/2022 10:12 AM] Gabe Cavazos
[1/20/2022 10:12 AM] Gabe Cavazos
I built this to solve this problem
[1/20/2022 10:12 AM] Michael Strawn
do we know the number/percentage of SVCs that were unlicensed?
[1/20/2022 10:13 AM] Manser, Michael
I think Cathy may have unlicensed riders. Normally it is about 50% of all fatalities.
[1/20/2022 10:14 AM] Michael Strawn
thanks! i knew that for general terms but did not know if it was maybe higher for the SVC
[1/20/2022 10:14 AM] Brooks, Cathy
I do not have unlicensed on hand.
[1/20/2022 10:14 AM] Manser, Michael
we can look at SVCs and get that to you.
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[1/20/2022 10:15 AM] James Hansen (Guest)
i was wondering the same thing … % of unlicensed for SVC.
[1/20/2022 10:15 AM] Dr. David Jones DD (Guest)
Will there be access to this PowerPoint presentation to download?
[1/20/2022 10:15 AM] Ben W. Smith
thanks for sharing the CRIS data. always interesting
[1/20/2022 10:15 AM] Maurice (Guest)
Yes it will be on LookLearnLive
[1/20/2022 10:15 AM] Manser, Michael
Yes, we will have the PPT posted on Looklearnlive.org in just a day or two.
[1/20/2022 10:20 AM] Higgins, Laura
[1/20/2022 10:20 AM] Gabe Cavazos
like 2
[1/20/2022 10:20 AM] Charles Herd
Michael: How best to get this data out to the public” and to riders themselves?
[1/20/2022 10:20 AM] Gabe Cavazos
Here’s some data I’ve pulled for the last few years
[1/20/2022 10:20 AM] David Canada (Guest)
I would like a copy of the slides so I can share some of the data with the riders on my tour www.MCGTTX.com via the tour newsletter.
[1/20/2022 10:20 AM] Lauren Secular
Will a recording of this be available?
[1/20/2022 10:21 AM] Manser, Michael
Hi Charles, we try to get this out to riders via our looklearnlive social media channels and we attend rider events
[1/20/2022 10:21 AM] Charles Herd
[1/20/2022 10:21 AM] Maurice (Guest)
Yes it is being recorded
[1/20/2022 10:22 AM] Manser, Michael
The meeting is being recorded and we will post the slides and recording to looklearnlive.org within a few days.
[1/20/2022 10:22 AM] Brooks, Cathy
Yes, recording should be available through the website, looklearnlive.org.
[1/20/2022 10:22 AM] Charles Herd
I am a rider and personal injury/crash lawyer. I will write some blogs on these issues, to help get the word out!!
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[1/20/2022 10:23 AM] Manser, Michael
Thank you Charles….very much appreciated!
[1/20/2022 10:23 AM] Gabe Cavazos
We should connect Charles.
[1/20/2022 10:23 AM] Charles Herd
Gabe: Would love to!!
[1/20/2022 10:24 AM] Charles Herd
My email is [email protected]
[1/20/2022 10:24 AM] Raine Devries (Guest)
Gabe – are you on LinkedIn? I didn’t find you. I’m a journalist in the motorcycle industry.
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[1/20/2022 10:24 AM] Gabe Cavazos
[1/20/2022 10:24 AM] Raine Devries (Guest)
[1/20/2022 10:28 AM] Spitfire’s computer (Guest)
I represent Accident Scene Management and promoting Motorcycle Specific First Response training as a part of the solution. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit and have instructors in Texas. I recently wrote a “Road to Zero” grant train and study training in Texas to help bring numbers down through Post Crash pre-hospital care. We hope to hear whether or not our grant request has been approved in the next month or two.
heart 1 like 1
[1/20/2022 10:29 AM] Canton, Michelle
Spitfire’s computer (Guest) Can we get your contact information? Thanks very much!
[1/20/2022 10:29 AM] Gabe Cavazos
Did you put in for the TxDoT opportunity that just closed?
[1/20/2022 10:30 AM] Spitfire’s computer (Guest)
Vicki Sanfelipo, RN: 262-364-7440, [email protected], https:roadguardians.org
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[1/20/2022 10:31 AM] Spitfire’s computer (Guest)
Grant would be a NHTSA grant issued through the National Safety Council. Grants requests closed 1/7/22.
[1/20/2022 10:31 AM] Manser, Michael
Road Guardians presented at the MC Forum a few years ago and had excellent information and lots of hands-on examples. Great job!
[1/20/2022 10:33 AM] Spitfire’s computer (Guest)
Thank you for the opportunity for Road Guardians! I have ties to Texas with my Dad, brother and nieces and nephews in the DFW area.
[1/20/2022 10:36 AM] Joel Morris
kyle mcnew, told me he has hired a new person to take over jphns position by feb 1 said he would let us know who that person is , do we know who it is taking over at teex for coach training?
[1/20/2022 10:38 AM] Manser, Michael
Hi Joel, Glad you are online with us today. I have not heard who will be in that position, but perhaps others may know.
[1/20/2022 10:40 AM] Gabe Cavazos
Have the panels been filled? I’d love to speak on safety technologies and partnering with law enforcement.
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[1/20/2022 10:41 AM] Michael Strawn
we will of course love to be involved
[1/20/2022 10:42 AM] Manser, Michael
Gabe, we will connect with you in the next week or so if that works for you.
[1/20/2022 10:42 AM] Spitfire’s computer (Guest)
How does a person sign up for the safety forum?
[1/20/2022 10:43 AM] Higgins, Laura
When we get the venue, etc. finalized, we’ll get a Forum registration link on Look Learn Live and also send it out to the Coalition by email!
[1/20/2022 10:43 AM] Manser, Michael
Hi Spitfire! We will have online registration on the looklearnlive.org site. We will be sending out a link to that soon.
[1/20/2022 10:43 AM] Gabe Cavazos
Cathy lets connect after this, I’ve spoken with TTI in the past but it was about crash testing, I went out there and met with Lance Bullard but it sounds like you have some things going on we can collaborate on.
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[1/20/2022 10:43 AM] Spitfire’s computer (Guest)
Thank you! I would love to be notified.
[1/20/2022 10:44 AM] Gabe Cavazos
Manser, Michael
Gabe, we will connect with you in the next week or so if that works for you.
That works for me
[1/20/2022 10:44 AM] Maurice (Guest)
Go Ben!
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[1/20/2022 10:44 AM] Gabe Cavazos
Cathy I also have a TABC license for the bar I own in Austin!
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[1/20/2022 10:46 AM] Canton, Michelle
To be on our contact list, please visit: https://www.looklearnlive.org/coalition/ and go to the left nav under “Become a Member” and enter your email. Thanks!
Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition – Look Learn Live.org
Mission The mission of the Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition (TMSC) is to reduce rider fatalities and serious injuries resulting from crashes involving motorcycles in Texas.
[1/20/2022 10:46 AM] Charles Herd
I would be willing to participate in one or more panels. Anything I can do to promote MC safety!! Charles Herd
[1/20/2022 10:46 AM] Higgins, Laura
Forum: Saturday, April 9, 2022
[1/20/2022 10:48 AM] Josh Kane (Guest)
The April 9th Forum is in Kerrville, correct?
[1/20/2022 10:48 AM] Michael Strawn
[1/20/2022 10:48 AM] Brooks, Cathy
Yes, YO Ranch in Kerrville
[1/20/2022 10:49 AM] Glen Pugh (Guest)
I work for State Senator Dawn Buckingham and could help advocate for Lane Filtering. The downside is there will not be a new legislative session until Jan 2023 and my boss is running for Texas Land Commissioner. So, I will be out of a job, working for the new Senator, or working for the General Land Office. But, I can help with advocacy due to my contacts in state government.
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[1/20/2022 10:49 AM] Canton, Michelle
For email list members, please whitelist my email [email protected] so our emails won’t get filtered as “junk”
[1/20/2022 10:54 AM] Gabe Cavazos
I’m going to have to run soon but David Crommelin (Guest) is here and can represent our firm. My email is [email protected] and number is (325)718-8291.
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[1/20/2022 10:54 AM] Higgins, Laura
Thanks, Gabe!
[1/20/2022 11:02 AM] Charles Herd
On training, do instructors report to TDLR who has passed the classes?
[1/20/2022 11:04 AM] Charles Herd
Which legislature members are MC friendly?
[1/20/2022 11:05 AM] Brooks, Cathy
We would love to find out who is.
[1/20/2022 11:06 AM] Charles Herd
I will talk to my rep, Sam Harless, about licensing need and possible support.
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[1/20/2022 11:08 AM] Glen Pugh (Guest)
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[1/20/2022 11:08 AM] Michael Strawn
look for reps/senators on transportation committees
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[1/20/2022 11:08 AM] Michael Strawn
they will often have the ability to make your voice heard best
[1/20/2022 11:08 AM] Charles Herd
Could DPS let us know which legislative members are licensed MC riders?
[1/20/2022 11:08 AM] Joel Morris
cindy flores last night sent a email out saying senator exas zaffarrini at 512-463-0121 wants folks to call her office about the coaching situation in exas, maybe she can help us with other issues???
Like 2
[1/20/2022 11:08 AM] Glen Pugh (Guest)
my email is glen.pugh@senate.texas.gov. cell: 940-923-1946
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[1/20/2022 11:10 AM] Brooks, Cathy
Charles Herd
Could DPS let us know which legislative members are licensed MC riders?
Not sure as privacy laws may restrict.
[1/20/2022 11:10 AM] Charles Herd
Rotary International will have its international convention in Houston this summer. The president this year is from Houston, and is a MC rider. They may be setting up a ride.
[1/20/2022 11:11 AM] Charles Herd
Would be good to link up on that ride. I will try to make contact with the pres.
[1/20/2022 11:11 AM] Brooks, Cathy
Resources and Downloads – Look Learn Live.org
[1/20/2022 11:13 AM] Brooks, Cathy
Resources and Downloads – Look Learn Live.org
[1/20/2022 11:13 AM] Brooks, Cathy
[1/20/2022 11:16 AM] Brooks, Cathy
Contact Us – Look Learn Live.org
[1/20/2022 11:16 AM] Mike Valentin (Guest)
Thus far, how many nominations are in hand?
[1/20/2022 11:17 AM] Brooks, Cathy
Just being announced now.
[1/20/2022 11:25 AM] Wenzel, Jack
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[1/20/2022 11:27 AM] Higgins, Laura
Reducing Impaired Riding by Involving Motorcycle Stakeholders – participate in the survey here: https://tti.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6XNKLwxSfDIIPt4
Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management
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[1/20/2022 11:28 AM] James Hansen (Guest)
i think dealers in some cases are being counter-productive when it comes to discouraging drinking and riding. i sent an email yesterday showing an example.
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[1/20/2022 11:29 AM] Higgins, Laura
[1/20/2022 11:30 AM] Mark Evans, Sherry Matthews Group (Guest)
[1/20/2022 11:30 AM] Higgins, Laura
Thanks, James!
[1/20/2022 11:31 AM] Michael Strawn
thank you all
like 1
[1/20/2022 11:31 AM] Canton, Michelle
Please be sure to follow us on social media!
[1/20/2022 11:32 AM] Michael Strawn
[email protected] if you all need anything
[1/20/2022 11:32 AM] Mark Evans, Sherry Matthews Group (Guest)
Thank you!
[1/20/2022 11:32 AM] Canton, Michelle
You can find our social channels on LookLearnLive.org
[1/20/2022 11:32 AM] Higgins, Laura
Thanks, Everyone!
[1/20/2022 11:32 AM] Spitfire’s computer (Guest)
Thanks all! This was well worth the time. [email protected]
like 1
[1/20/2022 11:32 AM] Charles Herd
what date is next meeting?
[1/20/2022 11:32 AM] Higgins, Laura
April 8
[1/20/2022 11:32 AM] Ben W. Smith
Thanks Mike, Cathy & Laura for all you do
[1/20/2022 11:32 AM] Maurice (Guest)
Howdy Laura 🙂
[1/20/2022 11:32 AM] Nina Saint
Thank you for all the great information
[1/20/2022 11:33 AM] Higgins, Laura
Hi, Maurice!!
[1/20/2022 11:33 AM] Canton, Michelle
Spitfire’s computer (Guest) can I add you to our email list?
[1/20/2022 11:33 AM] Mike Valentin (Guest)
Thanks for you support and dedication.
[1/20/2022 11:33 AM] Spitfire’s computer (Guest)
I signed up
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[1/20/2022 11:33 AM] Redd
Thanks Everyone
[1/20/2022 11:33 AM] Canton, Michelle
awesome – thank you
[1/20/2022 11:47 AM]
1/20/2022 11:47 AM Meeting ended: 2h 24m 54sMeetingTranscript
Mike Manser
Meeting Minutes: 1.20.2022_TMSC-Meeting-Notes_website.pdf