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Texas Statewide Motorcycle Safety Coalition
April 16, 2020 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm CDT
Webex Conference Call
Texas A&M Transportation Institute Texas Department of TransportationTexas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Meeting Agenda
Date: April 16, 2020
Location: Via WebEx
Time: 10:00 am – 11:30 am
10:00 – 10:10 AM Opening Remarks & Introductions (Chris and Mike)
10:10 – 10:20 AM TxDOT and TDLR Update (M.L. Didelot-Page and Mike)
10:20 – 10:50 AM Motorcycle Training and TDLR Update 2020 Forum Overview/2021 Forum Planning (Laura)
10:50 – 11:15 AM 2020 Forum Overview/2021 Forum Planning (Mike)
11:15 – 11:30 AM TMSC Feedback and Review (Mike and Chris)
11:30 AM Adjourn
Texas Motorcycle Safety Coalition Meeting Minutes
Date: April 16, 2020
Location: Via WebEx
Time: 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Opening Remarks & WebEx Instructions (C. Beireis & M. Manser)
Chris Beireis and Mike Manser welcomed everyone to the first-ever TMSC WebEx meeting. Mike demonstrated how to use the WebEx chat box to provide comments during the meeting.
TxDOT Update, TDLR Update (M. L. Didelot-Page & M. Manser)
Lisa Johnson, who has been TxDOT’s Program Manager for motorcycle safety projects for the last couple of years, has accepted a new position with TxDOT. Mona Lisa Didelot-Page, the new Program Manager, provided an update on TxDOT safety outreach activities. Currently, all in-person outreach events and efforts are on hold due to the COVID-19 situation.
Michael Strawn provided updates on the motorcycle training program move to TDLR. TDLR has appointed members of the Motorcycle Advisory Board. The MAB will begin meeting after September 1, 2020. They are currently developing their draft procedures and policies, and will soon be putting those out for public comments. There’s about 450K for motorcycle outreach in FY21; this is the biggest project, and TxDOT is continuing to support motorcycle safety.
2020 Forum Overview/2021 Forum Planning (L. Higgins) 15 min
Laura Higgins (TTI) provided a summary of the 2020 Motorcycle Safety Forum that was held on February 22, and went over the results of the evaluations from attendees. Overall, feedback was very positive. Suggestions for future Forum topics included motorcycle techniques/skills workshops; conspicuity and awareness; rider health and safety; first aid, emergency response, and managing crash scenes; new gear technologies, new road engineering techniques that improve rider safety, and tips on predicting animal behaviors on roadways. Comments received on the WebEx chat regarding the Forum included the following:
- Was very good and yes more medical and emergency representation!
- Any interest in an update on the TxDOT Look Twice campaign?
- I thought the conference went fantastic this year, would like to see more guest speakers. we need to start compiling a list now for next years conference.
- Jonnita Brown of the DSR Motorcycle Club volunteered to speak at a breakout session.
TMSC Safety Award Requirements Gathering/Team ID (M. Manser)
In past TMSC meetings, there have been suggestions to create a TMSC Safety Award to recognize individuals or businesses that have worked actively to improve safety for motorcycle riders. Mike Manser asked if there was interest in developing this award, and asked for volunteers who would be interested in leading or supporting this efforts. People who volunteered during the meeting included Chris Beireis, Amy Jo Miller, Rich Richman, Jonnita Brown, and Glen Pugh.
TMSC Feedback and Review (M. Manser)
Mike reviewed the results of the TMSC feedback survey, which was also distributed at this year’s Forum. The survey was designed to obtain feedback about how the Coalition might evolve in the future to serve the goals of improved motorcycle safety in Texas. Of the 47 Forum attendees who completed the survey, 36% currently participate in the TMSC and 64% do not.
Of the survey respondents who do not currently participate in the TMSC, 76% indicated that meetings closer to where they live would motivate them to get involved; 57% said that opportunities for hands-on work would motivate them. Several were unaware that the TMSC existed or were unaware that it was open to all, indicating that there are opportunities to get the word out about the Coalition to more people who might be interested. Some suggested new topics and additional guest speakers, and holding a meeting on a Saturday.
Of the survey respondents who are already TMSC members, 47% would like to see meetings held in another city; 47% would like meetings to rotate around two or more cities; 36% would like to see more focused discussion; and 33% would like to address specific topics pertinent to motorcycle riders, such as riding techniques, presentations from helmet and clothing manufacturers, information on routing, TDLR participation, distracted driver enforcement, passing lane action, intersection control, left turn hazards, and outreach on wearing helmets.
Suggestions received during the WebEx included the following:
- Waco as a meeting location suggestion
- A teaching hospital
- Survivor stories
- It would be good if we could offer the webinar option when things get back to normal to go along with in person meetings.
- Phil Freeman from Motoquest as a speaker
Open Discussion and Adjourn (C. Beireis)
Comments received as part of open discussion included:
- Reminder: May is National Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Month
- Be careful of the turkeys, out on the road and in the cars 🙂
- Is there anything we can do together via media for MC Safety month because we are all in “quarantine”?
The meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.
Attendees (who signed in on WebEx chat)
Eric Beverly, TDLR
Amy Jo Miller
Kristi Hosea
Jeanni Luckey
Jude Schexnyder
Jonnita Brown, DSR M/C Club
Glen Pugh
Michael Strawn – TDLR
Mary Jo Prince, AgriLife/BVIPC
Maurice Maness
Olivia Thomas – TTI
Paige Ericson-Graber, TTI
Nina Saint
Cathy Brooks
Chris Sharman
Kelly Howard RiderCoach Trainer Houston
Derek Burkhalter – TDLR
Dale & Leslie Sigrist
Carrie Nicol
Mona Lisa Didelot-Page
Keith Rovell MRH Rider Training Houston
Monica O’Kane – TxDOT Traffic Safety -El Paso
Kenneth Copeland
Ed Burgos – FHWA TX Division
Jeanette Brooks
Debbie Conboy
Laura Higgins
Mike Manser
Kelly Howard
Bruce Raymond
Chris Beireis
Rich Richman
Cindy Kovar
Mike Sconza, Motorcycle Safety Unit (MSU)
Cindy Flores, MSU
David Metcalf, MSU
Agenda: TMSC-April-16-2020-Agenda.pdf
Meeting Slides: TMSC-Meeting-Slides-4-13-2020.pdf
Meeting Minutes: Texas-Motorcycle-Safety-Coalition-Meeting-Minutes-April-16-2020.pdf