What resolutions are you making this year?
Maybe you’re thinking about taking on the open road on two or three wheels and need to get your Class M license. Learn more about how to get your Class M license on the Texas DPS website.
Or perhaps you already have your Class M license and need to brush up on some safety tips. An advanced rider course might be for you. Find a training location near you. This could also be the year you decide to get a new helmet or other protective riding gear.
If you’re a driver maybe your resolution could be looking twice for motorcycles. Most motorcycle-vehicle crashes happen when a driver turns left in front of the rider. Drivers often don’t see the rider, or if they do, they misjudge the rider’s speed or distance. Motorcycles can move fast and are often hard to spot. When turning left, especially at intersections, always double-check the cross traffic.
If you’re thinking about learning more about motorcycle safety, we’ve got you covered. The 2019 Texas Motorcycle Safety Forum will be held February 23 in Kerrville, Texas. Register NOW!
Whatever your resolution is, make it one that includes improving the safety of motorcyclists and motorists in 2019. Happy New Year from all of us at Look Learn Live!