Contrary to popular belief, most motorcycle fatalities do not occur in a collision with another vehicle at an intersection. A higher percentage involves motorcycles running off the roadway in a curve then striking a fixed object. If you are uncomfortable during road speed turns, increase your skill through training and practice. Classes on cornering are available in Texas and the practice is fun.
If you find yourself coasting through corners with the power off, you have entered the turn too fast for your comfort level. Enter the next turn slower and add throttle as gently and early as possible through the turn.
Your vision is the key to your survival in cornering. If you are approaching a blind curve due to a sight restriction of any kind, slow down! You do not know what’s lurking just around the bend.
The proper use of your vision through a turn is a skill! Turn your head before the corner starts and look far through the turn, keeping your head and eyes up. This will help you relax on the controls and see any issues far in advance.