Route Summary
The 343-mile route, starting 50 miles southeast of San Antonio, takes you on two separate loops intersecting in Victoria. From Victoria, you can travel southeast to Port Lavaca and stop to enjoy the views of Matagorda Bay. This route provides mostly smooth highway riding and a chance to embark on a relaxing ride through South Texas.
This route had fatal and incapacitating crashes between 2010 – 2023. In Texas, drivers are not assigned “at fault” in a crash, but law enforcement can assign ‘factors or conditions’ that contributed or may have contributed to a crash. Multiple ‘crash factors and conditions’ can be assigned to one, some, or all vehicles involved in a crash.
The following tables represent data extracted from the Texas Department of Transportation’s Crash Records Information System (TxDOT’s CRIS).
Safety (2010-2023) | |
Crashes | |
Fatalities | |
Serious Injuries | |
Top Weather Crash Condition | |
Top Lighting Crash Condition | |
Top Road Crash Condition |
Crash Narrative Summary
The following list is a summary of the crash events and conditions that have been described by officers investigating crashes along this route. The investigating officer provides his/her opinion of how the crash happened and will emphasize or explain, as necessary, any pertinent facts that are not fully explained elsewhere on the crash report. This section is meant to supplement the above data tables by providing further insight and “clues” into what factors and conditions contributed or may have contributed to crashes along this route.
- 62% of single vehicle crashes had unsafe speed or failure to control speed listed as the contributing or may have contributed crash factor.
- 76% of crashes were single vehicle crashes. Contrary to popular belief, most severe motorcycle crashes do not occur in a collision with another vehicle at an intersection. A rider is more likely to be involved in a single motorcycle road-way departure crash than in an intersection related crash.
- 79% of crashes occurred along a curve. In these crashes, motorcyclists failed to negotiate the curve due to unsafe speed, traveling off the roadway. Several motorcyclists went on to strike guardrails and barb wire fence while others landed in concrete culverts. Remember to utilize counter-steering for a controlled turn. Press the handlebar in the direction of the turn and maintain slight pressure on that bar to smoothly navigate through the turn. In other words, press the right handgrip to go right; press the left handgrip to go left (MSF).
- There is a rock quarry along this route which causes the roadway to accumulate a lot of dirt and dust, which may make the roadway very slick.
- Check the tires, control functions, lights and electrics, gas, oil, brake fluid levels, and suspension movement regularly.
- The MSF encourages riders to use The SEE System while riding in traffic. S – search around you for potential hazards; E – evaluate any possible hazards, such as turning cars, railroad tracks, etc.; E – execute the proper action to avoid the hazard. This SEE strategy is a mental system for safe motorcycling. Use it effectively and you’ll cover many safer, happy miles on your motorcycle (MSF).
- Around the block or around the world, it makes sense to leave home with a helmet on your head. It’s one of the best items of protection you can use (MSF).
- Learning exactly how to engage the brakes on your motorcycle is an important skill. A rider needs to be able to apply the brakes hard in a panic stop, but not so hard that it locks up the wheels.
- Don’t be complacent while riding in traffic, be proactive. Assess the situation all around you and determine which vehicle poses the greatest threat.
- Choose a lane and a position within the lane that makes you most visible to the vehicle that presents the greatest threat.
- Do you have a need for speed? Look into signing up for a track day at your nearest race track. Texas has several tracks to choose from, including a world-class premiere track that your favorite MotoGP riders race on! Track days are not just for sport bikes and can benefit all riders!
- With multiple levels of training courses available in Texas, new riders in the basic courses don't feel intimidated by experienced riders, and experienced riders don't have to wait for beginners to catch up in the advanced courses. Choose the one that's right for you.
- 44% of motorcycle operators were not wearing a helmet. Protect your brain, skull, and face by wearing a full face, DOT helmet. Regardless of what type of motorcycle you ride, or what kind of weather you ride in, the right protective gear is out there for you.